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Mapper Support Routines
ASCII, 01-09-94


     MSX-DOS 2  contains routines  to provide  support for the memory mapper. 
This allows MSX application programs or MSX-DOS transient programs to utilize 
more  than the  basic 64k of memory, without conflicting with the RAM disk or 
any other system software.


     When  the DOS  kernel is  initialized it checks that there is the memory 
mapper in  the system,  and that  there is at least 128k of RAM available. If 
the kernel has found at least one slot which contains 128k of the mapper RAM, 
it  selects the  slot which  contains the  largest amount of RAM (or the slot 
with the  smallest slot  number, if  there are two or more mapper slots which 
have  the same  amount of  RAM) and makes that slot usable as the system RAM. 
When there is not enough memory on the memory mapper, MSX-DOS 2 won't start.

     Next  the kernel builds up a table of all the 16k RAM segments available
to this  slot (primary  mapper slot).  The first  four segments (64k) for the 
user  and the  two highest numbered segments are allocated to the system, one 
for the  DOS kernel  code and  one for  the DOS  kernel workspace.  All other 
segments  (at least two) are marked as free initially. Then the kernel builds 
up the  similar tables for other RAM slots, if any. All of these segments are 
marked as free initially.


     The  mapper support  routines use some variables in the DOS system area. 
These tables  may be  referred and  used by the user programs for the various 
purposes, but must not be altered. The contents of the tables are as follows:

address                 function
+0              Slot address of the mapper slot.
+1              Total  number of  16k RAM  segments. 1...255 (8...255 for the 
+2              Number of free 16k RAM segments.
+3              Number of  16k RAM segments allocated to the system (at least 
                6 for the primay)
+4              Number of 16k RAM segments allocated to the user.
+5...+7         Unused. Always zero.
+8...           Entries  for other mapper slots. If there is none, +8 will be 

     A program  uses the  mapper support code by calling various subroutines.
These  are accessed  through a  jump table  which is  located in  the MSX-DOS 
system area. The contents of the jump table are as follows:

address entry name      function
+0H     ALL_SEG     Allocate a 16k segment.
+3H     FRE_SEG     Free a 16k segment.
+6H     RD_SEG      Read byte from address A:HL to A.
+9H     WR_SEG      Write byte from E to address A:HL.
+CH     CAL_SEG     Inter-segment call.  Address in IYh:IX
+FH     CALLS       Inter-segment  call.  Address  in  line  after  the  call 
+12H    PUT_PH      Put segment into page (HL).
+15H    GET_PH      Get current segment for page (HL)
+18H    PUT_P0      Put segment into page 0.
+1BH    GET_P0      Get current segment for page 0.
+1EH    PUT_P1      Put segment into page 1.
+21H    GET_P1      Get current segment for page 1.
+24H    PUT_P2      Put segment into page 2.
+27H    GET_P2      Get current segment for page 2.
+2AH    PUT_P3      Not supported  since page-3  must never  be changed. Acts 
                    like a "NOP" if called.
+2DH    GET_P3      Get current segment for page 3.

     A  program can  use the  extended BIOS  calls for  the mapper support to 
obtain these addresses. The calls are provided because these addresses may be 
changed in  the future  version, or to use mapper routines other than MSX-DOS 
mapper support routines.

     To use the extended BIOS, the program should test "HOKVLD" flag at FB20h 
in  page-3. If  bit-0 (LSB)  is 0,  there is  no extended BIOS nor the mapper 
support. Otherwise,  "EXTBIO" entry (see below) has been set up and it can be 
called  with various  parameters. Note  that this test is unnecessary for the 
applications which  are based on MSX-DOS (such as the program which is loaded 
from the disk), and the program may proceed to the next step.

     Next,  the  program  sets  the  device  number of  the extended  BIOS in 
register D,  the function  number in  register E,  and required parameters in 
other  registers, and  then calls  "EXTBIO" at FFCAh in page-3. In this case, 
the stack  pointer must  be in  page-3. If there is the extended BIOS for the 
specified  device number,  the contents  of the  registers AF,  BC and HL are 
modified according  to the  function; otherwise, they are preserved. Register 
DE  is  always  preserved.  Note  that  in  any  cases  the  contents  of the 
alternative registers (AF', BC', DE' and HL') and the index registers (IX and 
IY) are corrupted.

The functions available in the mapper support extended BIOS are:

* Get mapper variable table

        Parameter:      A = 0
                        D = 4 (device number of mapper support)
                        E = 1
        Result:         A = slot address of primary mapper
                        DE = reserved
                        HL = start address of mapper variable table

* Get mapper support routine address

        Parameter:      A = 0
                        D = 4
                        E = 2
        Result:         A = total number of memory mapper segments
                        B = slot number of primary mapper
                        C = number of free segments of primary mapper
                        DE = reserved
                        HL = start address of jump table

     In  these mapper support extended BIOS, register A is not required to be 
zero. Note that, however, if there is no mapper support routine, the contents 
of registers  will not  be modified,  and the value which is not zero will be 
returned  in A  otherwise. Thus,  the existence of the mapper support routine 
can be  determined by  setting zero  in A  at the  calling and  examining the 
returned value of A.

     The  slot address of the primary mapper returned by the extended BIOS is 
the same  as the  current RAM  slot address  in page-3,  and, in the ordinary 
environment  (DISK-BASIC and  MSX-DOS), the same RAM slot is also selected in 
page-2. In MSX-DOS, this is also true in page-0 and page-1.


     A program  can request  a 16k  RAM segment  at any  time by  calling the 
"ALL_SEG"  routine.  This  either  returns  an  error  if there  are no  free 
segments, or the segment number of a new segment which the program can use. A 
program  must not  use any  segment which  it has  not explicitly  allocated, 
except for the four segments which make up the basic 64k of RAM.

     A  segment can  be allocated  either as  a user  segment or  as a system
segment.  User   segments  will  be  automatically  freed  when  the  program 
terminates,  whereas system segments are never freed unless the program frees 
them explicitly. Normally, programs should allocate user segments.

     RAM segments can be accessed by the "RD_SEG" and "WR_SEG" routines which 
read  and  write  bytes  to  specified segments.  The routines  "CAL_SEG" and 
"CALLS"  allow  inter-segment  calls  to  be  done  in much  the same  way as 
inter-slot calls in the current MSX system.

     Routines  are provided  to explicitly  page a segment in, or to find out
which segment  is in  a particular page. There are routines in which the page 
(0...3)  is specified  by the  top two bits of an address in HL ("PUT_PH" and 
"GET_PH").  And  there are  also specific  routines for  accessing each  page 
("GET_Pn" and "PUT_Pn"). These routines are very fast so a program should not 
suffer in performance by using them.

     Note that  page-3 should never be altered since this contains the mapper 
support  routines and all the other system variables. Also great care must be 
taken if  page-0 is  altered since  this contains  the interrupt and the slot 
switching entry points. Pages 1 and 2 can be altered in any way.

     None  of the  mapper support  routines will  disturb the  slot selection 
mechanism at  all. For  example when  "PUT_P1" is  called, the  specified RAM 
segment  will only  appear at  address 4000h...7FFFh  if the  mapper slot  is 
selected in page-1. The "RD_SEG" and "WR_SEG" routines will always access the 
RAM segment  regardless of  the current slot selection in the specified page, 
but the mapper RAM slot must be selected in page-2.

     The following  two routines  can be called to allocate or free segments. 
All  registers apart  from AF  and BC are preserved. An error is indicated by 
the carry  flag being set on return. The slot selection and RAM paging may be 
in  any state  when these routines are called and both will be preserved. The 
stack must  not be  in page-0  or page-2  when either  of these  routines are 

     A  program must  not use  any segment (apart from the four which make up 
the basic 64k) unless it has specifically allocated it, and must not continue 
to use a segment after it has been freed. 

     A segment  may be  allocated either  as a  user or a system segment. The 
only  difference is  that user  segments will be automatically freed when the 
program terminates  whereas system segments will not be. In general a program 
should  allocate a  user segment  unless it  needs the data in the segment to 
outlast  the  program itself.  User segments  are always  allocated from  the 
lowest numbered  free segment  and system  segments from the highest numbered 

     An error  from "allocate  segment" usually  indicates that  there are no
free segments, although it can also mean that an invalid parameter was passed 
in  register  A  and  B.  An  error  from "free  segment" indicates  that the 
specified segment number does not exist or is already free.

ALL_SEG - Parameters:   A=0 => allocate user segment
                        A=1 => allocate system segment
                        B=0 => allocate primary mapper
                       B!=0 => allocate 
                       FxxxSSPP slot address (primary mapper, if 0)
                        xxx=000 allocate specified slot only
                        xxx=001 allocate other slots than specified
                        xxx=010 try  to allocate  specified slot  and, if  it 
                                failed, try another slot (if any)
                        xxx=011 try to  allocate other  slots than  specified 
                                and, if it failed, try specified slot
          Results:      Carry set   => no free segments
                        Carry clear => segment allocated
                                       A=new segment number
                                       B=slot  address of  mapper slot  (0 if 
                                         called as B=0)

FRE_SEG - Parameters:   A=segment number to free
                        B=0 primary mapper
                        B!=0 mapper other than primary
          Returns:      Carry set => error
                        Carry clear => segment freed OK 


     The  following two routines can be called to read or write a single byte 
from any  mapper RAM  segment. The  calling sequence  is very  similar to the 
inter-slot  read  and  write routines  provided by  the MSX  system ROM.  All 
registers  apart from AF are preserved and no checking is done to ensure that 
the segment number is valid.

     The  top two bits of the address are ignored and the data will be always 
read or  written via page-2, since the segment number specifies a 16k segment 
which could appear in any of the four pages. The data will be read or written 
from  the correct  segment regardless of the current paging or slot selection 
in page-0  or page-1,  but note  that the mapper RAM slot must be selected in 
page-2 when either of these routines are called. This is so that the routines 
do  not have to do any slot switching and so can be fast. Also the stack must 
not be in page-2. These routines will return disabling interrupts.

RD_SEG -  Parameters:   A = segment number to read from
                       HL = address within this segment
          Results:      A = value of byte at that address
                        All other registers preserved 

WR_SEG -  Parameters:   A = segment number to write to
                       HL = address within this segment
                        E = value to write 
          Returns:      A = corrupted
                        All other registers preserved 


     Two  routines  are  provided  for doing  inter-segment calls.  These are 
modelled very closely on the two inter-slot call routines provided by the MSX 
system ROM, and the specification of their usage is very similar.

     No  check is  done that  the called segment actually exists so it is the 
user's responsibility  to ensure  this. The called segment will be paged into 
the  specified address  page, but  it is  the user's responsibility to ensure 
that the mapper slot is enabled in this page, since neither of these routines 
will alter  the slot  selection at  all. This  is to  ensure that they can be 

     The routine  cannot be  used to do an inter-segment call into page-3. If 
this  is attempted then the specified address in page-3 will simply be called 
without any  paging, since  page-3 must never be altered. Calling into page-0 
must  be done  with some care because of the interrupt and other entry point. 
Also care must be taken that the stack is not paged out by these calls.

     These  routines,  unlike  inter-slot  calls,  do not  disable interrupts 
before passing control to the called routine. So they return to the caller in 
the  same state  as before,  unless the  interrupt flag  was modified  by the 
called routine.

     Parameters cannot  be passed  in registers  IX, IY, AF', BC', DE' or HL' 
since  these are  used internally  in the  routine. These  registers will  be 
corrupted by  the inter-segment  call and may also be corrupted by the called 
routine. All other registers (AF, BC, DE and HL) will be passed intact to the 
called routine and returned from it to the caller.

CAL_SEG - Parameters: IY = segment number to be called
                      IX = address to call
                      AF, BC, DE, HL passed to called routine
                      Other registers corrupted
          Results:    AF, BC, DE, HL, IX and IY returned from called routine. 
                      All others corrupted.

CALLS -   Parameters: AF, BC, DE, HL passed to called routine
                      Other registers corrupted
          Calling sequence:   CALL  CALLS
                              DB    SEGMENT
                              DW    ADDRESS  
          Results:    AF, BC, DE, HL, IX and IY returned from called routine. 
                      All others corrupted.


     The  following  routines  are  provided  to allow  programs to  directly 
manipulate  the current  paging state  without having to access the hardware. 
Using these routines ensures compatibility with any changes to the details of 
the  hardware.  The  routines  are  very  fast  and  so using  them will  not 
compromise the performance of programs.

     Routines are  provided to directly read or write to any of the four page 
registers.  No checking of the validity of the segment number is done so this 
is the  user's responsibility. Note that the value written in the register is 
also  written in  memory and,  if the  register value is requested, the value 
stored in  memory will  be returned and the one in the register will never be 
read  directly. This  is done  to avoid  errors from  hardware conflicts when 
there are  two or more mapper registers in the system. The user should always 
manipulate the memory mapper through these routines.

     The "GET"  routines return  values from internal images of the registers 
without  actually reading  the registers  themselves. This  ensures that if a 
segment is  enabled by, for example, "PUT_P1" then a subsequent "GET_P1" call 
will  return the  actual value.  Reading the  mapper register  may produce  a 
different value because the top bits of the segment numbers are generally not 

     Although  a "PUT_P3"  routine is provided, it is in fact a dummy routine 
and will  not alter  the page-3 register. This is because the contents of the 
page-3  register should never be altered. The "GET_P3" routine does behave as 
expected to allow the user to determine what segment is in page-3.

     Another  pair of  routines ("GET_PH" and "PUT_PH") is provided which are 
identical in  function except  that the page is specified by the top two bits 
of register H. This is useful when register HL contains an address, and these 
routines  do not  corrupt register  HL. "PUT_PH"  will never alter the page-3 

PUT_Pn -  Parameters:   n = 0,1,2 or 3 to select page
                        A = segment number
          Results:      None
                        All registers preserved 

GET_Pn -  Parameters:   n = 0,1,2 or 3 to select page
          Results:      A = segment number
                        All other registers preserved 

PUT_PH -  Parameters:   H = high byte of address
                        A = segment number
          Results:      None
                        All registers preserved

GET_PH -  Parameters:   H = high byte of address
          Results:      A = segment number
                        All other registers preserved 

     Before  using these  direct paging routines to alter the paging state, a
program should  first use the "GET_Pn" routines to determine the initial four 
segments  for when  it needs to restore these. No program should assume fixed 
values for  these initial  segments since they are likely to change in future 
versions of the system.



