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ASCII, 01-09-94


     All  the new  MSX-DOS 2  functions (function  codes above 40h) return an 
"error code" in A. This is zero if the operation was successful. If non-zero, 
then the error code explains the exact nature of the error.

     Since  MSX-DOS  2  performs  an  "OR A"  instruction immediately  before 
returning  from a  function call,  a "JR NZ" instruction is often used in the 
transient program  immediately after the "CALL 5" instruction to test whether 
an  error occurred.  Frequently the destination of this error jump just loads 
the error  code into  B and does a "Terminate with Error Code" function. This 
then  passes the  error code back to the command interpreter which prints the 
appropriate message.

     A transient program may also itself get the actual message for any error 
returned by  an MSX-DOS  2 function  call by  using the  "Explain Error Code" 
function. See the Function Specification for details.

     The error codes start at 0FFh and descend in value. Values less than 40h 
are 'user  errors' and  will never  be used  by the system and can be used by 
transient programs to return their own errors. User errors below 20h returned 
to the command interpreter will not have any message printed.

     If  the   "Explain  Error   Code"  function   call  (see   the  Function
Specification) is asked to explain an error code for which it does not have a 
message,  then the  string returned will be "System error <n>" or "User error 
<n>" as appropriate, where <n> is the error number.

     Below  is  a  list  of  all currently  defined error  numbers and  their 
messages  and meanings.  Also given is the mnemonic, which is often used as a 
symbol in  a source file and is used throughout the MSX-DOS 2 system to refer 
to a particular error.

   6.1   DISK ERRORS

     The  errors in  this group  are those  which are  usually passed to disk 
error handling  routines. By  default they will be reported as "Abort, Retry" 
errors.  These errors except the one from "format disk" will be passed to the 
error handling routine, so they will not be returned as the return value from 

Incompatible disk (.NCOMP, 0FFh)

     The disk  cannot be accessed in that drive (eg. a double sided disk in a 
single sided drive).

Write error (.WRERR, 0FEh)

     General error occurred during a disk write.

Disk error (.DISK, 0FDh)

     General unknown disk error occurred.

Not ready (.NRDY, 0FCh)

     Disk drive did not respond, usually means there is no disk in the drive.

Verify error (.VERFY, 0FBh)

     With  VERIFY enabled,  a sector  could not be read correctly after being 

Data error (.DATA, 0FAh)

     A disk  sector could  not be  read because  the CRC  error checking  was 
incorrect, usually indicating a damaged disk.

Sector not found (.RNF, 0F9h)

     The  required sector  could not  be found  on the  disk, usually means a 
damaged disk.

Write protected disk (.WPROT, 0F8h)

     Attempt to write to a disk with the write protect tab on.

Unformatted disk (.UFORM, 0F7h)

     The disk  has not  been formatted,  or it  is a  disk using  a different 
recording technique.

Not a DOS disk (.NDOS, 0F6h)

     The  disk  is  formatted  for  another  operating  system and  cannot be 
accessed by MSX-DOS.

Wrong disk (.WDISK, 0F5h)

     The  disk has  been changed while MSX-DOS was accessing it. Must replace 
the correct disk.

Wrong disk for file (.WFILE, 0F4h)

     The  disk  has been  changed while  there is  an open  file on  it. Must 
replace the correct disk.

Seek error (.SEEK, 0F3h)

     The required track of the disk could not be found.

Bad file allocation table (.IFAT, 0F2h)

     The file  allocation table  on the disk has got corrupted. CHKDSK may be 
able to recover some of the data on the disk.

(.NOUPB, 0F1h)

     This  error has  no message  because it  is always trapped internally in 
MSX-DOS as part of the disk change handling.

Cannot format this drive (.IFORM, 0F0h)

     Attempt to  format a drive which does not allow formatting. Usually as a 
result of trying to format the RAM disk.


     The  following errors are those which are normally returned from MSX-DOS 
function calls. See the Function Specification document for details of errors 
from particular MSX-DOS functions.

Internal error (.INTER, 0DFh)

     Should never occur. 

Not enough memory (.NORAM, 0DEh)

     MSX-DOS  has  run out  of memory  in its  16k kernel  data segment.  Try 
reducing the  number of  sector buffers or removing some environment strings. 
Also occurs if there are no free segments for creating the RAMdisk.

Invalid MSX-DOS call (.IBDOS, 0DCh)

     An  MSX-DOS call  was made with an illegal function number. Most illegal 
function calls  return no  error, but  this error  may be  returned if a "get 
previous error code" function call is made.

Invalid drive (.IDRV, 0DBh)

     A  drive number parameter, or a drive letter in a drive/path/file string 
is one which does not exist in the current system.

Invalid filename (.IFNM, 0DAh)

     A filename  string is  illegal. This is only generated for pure filename 
strings, not drive/path/file strings. 

Invalid pathname (.IPATH, 0D9h)

     Can  be  returned  by  any  function  call  which  is  given  an  ASCIIZ 
drive/path/file  string. Indicates that the syntax of the string is incorrect 
in some way.

Pathname too long (.PLONG, 0D8h)

     Can  be  returned  by  any  function  call  which  is  given  an  ASCIIZ 
drive/path/file  string.  Indicates that  the complete  path being  specified 
(including current directory if used) is longer than 63 characters.

File not found (.NOFIL, 0D7h)

     Can be  returned by  any function  which looks for files on a disk if it 
does  not find  one. This error is also returned if a directory was specified 
but not found. In other cases, .NODIR error (see below) will be returned.

Directory not found (.NODIR, 0D6h)

     Returned if  a directory  item in  a drive/path/file string could not be 

Root directory full (.DRFUL, 0D5h)

     Returned  by "create"  or "move"  if a new entry is required in the root 
directory and it is already full. The root directory cannot be extended.

Disk full (.DKFUL, 0D4h)

     Usually results from a write operation if there was insufficient room on 
the disk for the amount of data being written. May also result from trying to 
create or extend a sub-directory if the disk is completely full.

Duplicate filename (.DUPF, 0D3h)

     Results  from  "rename" or  "move" if  the destination  filename already 
exists in the destination directory.

Invalid directory move (.DIRE, 0D2h)

     Results from  an attempt  to move  a sub-directory  into one  of its own 
descendants.  This is  not allowed as it would create an isolated loop in the 
directory structure.

Read only file (.FILRO, 0D1h)

     Attempt to write to or delete a file which has the "read only" attribute 
bit set.

Directory not empty (.DIRNE, 0D0h)

     Attempt to delete a sub-directory which is not empty.

Invalid attributes (.IATTR, 0CFh)

     Can result  from an  attempt to change a file's attributes in an illegal 
way,  or trying  to do  an operation  on a  file which  is only possible on a 
sub-directory. Also results from illegal use of volume name fileinfo blocks.

Invalid . or .. operation (.DOT, 0CEh)

     Attempt to  do an  illegal operation  on the  "." or  ".." entries  in a 
sub-directory, such as rename or move them.

System file exists (.SYSX, 0CDh)

     Attempt  to  create  a  file  or sub-directory  of the  same name  as an 
existing system file. System files are not automatically deleted.

Directory exists (.DIRX, 0CCh)

     Attempt  to  create  a  file  or sub-directory  of the  same name  as an 
existing sub-directory. Sub-directories are not automatically deleted.

File exists (.FILEX, 0CBh)

     Attempt  to create a sub-directory of the same name as an existing file. 
Files are not automatically deleted when creating sub-directories.

File already in use (.FOPEN, 0CAh)

     Attempt to  delete, rename,  move, or  change the attributes or date and 
time  of a  file which  has a  file handle  already open to it, other than by 
using the file handle itself.

Cannot transfer above 64K (.OV64K, 0C9h)

     Disk transfer area would have extended above 0FFFFh.

File allocation error (.FILE, 0C8h)

     The cluster  chain for a file was corrupt. Use CHKDSK to recover as much 
of the file as possible.

End of file (.EOF, 0C7h)

     Attempt  to read  from a  file when  the file  pointer is  already at or 
beyond the end of file.

File access violation (.ACCV, 0C6h)

     Attempt to  read or  write to  a file  handle which  was opened with the 
appropriate  access bit  set. Some of the standard file handles are opened in 
read only or write only mode.

Invalid process id (.IPROC, 0C5h)

     Process id number passed to "join" function is invalid.

No spare file handles (.NHAND, 0C4h)

     Attempt  to  open or  create a  file handle  when all  file handles  are 
already in use. There are 64 file handles available in the current version.

Invalid file handle (.IHAND, 0C3h)

     The  specified  file handle  is greater  than the  maximum allowed  file 
handle number.

File handle not open (.NOPEN, 0C2h)

     The specified file handle is not currently open.

Invalid device operation (.IDEV, 0C1h)

     Attempt to  use a  device file  handle or  fileinfo block for an invalid 
operation such as searching in it or moving it.

Invalid environment string (.IENV, 0C0h)

     Environment item name string contains an invalid character.

Environment string too long (.ELONG, 0BFh)

     Environment  item name or value string is either longer than the maximum 
allowed length of 255, or is too long for the user's buffer.

Invalid date (.IDATE, 0BEh)

     Date parameters passed to "set date" are invalid.

Invalid time (.ITIME, 0BDh)

     Time parameters passed to "set time" are invalid.

RAM disk (drive H:) already exists (.RAMDX, 0BCh)

     Returned from the "ramdisk" function if trying to create a RAM disk when 
one already exists.

RAM disk does not exist (.NRAMD, 0BBh)

     Attempt to  delete the  RAM disk  when it  does not  currently exist.  A 
function  which tries  to access  a non-existent  RAM disk  will get  a .IDRV 

File handle has been deleted (.HDEAD, 0BAh)

     The file  associate with  a file  handle has  been deleted  so the  file 
handle can no longer be used.

(.EOL, 0B9h)

     Internal error should never occur.

Invalid sub-function number (.ISBFN, 0B8h)

     The  sub-function number passed to the IOCTL function (function 4Bh) was 


     The following  errors are those which may be generated internally in the 
system  and passed  to "abort"  routines. They  will not normally be returned 
from function  calls. Note that an abort routine can also be passed any error 
which  a transient program passes to the "terminate with error code" function 

Ctrl-STOP pressed (.STOP, 09Fh)

     The Ctrl-STOP key is tested in almost all places in the system including 
all character I/O.

Ctrl-C pressed (.CTRLC, 09Eh)

     Ctrl-C is  only tested  for on  those character  functions which specify 
status checks.

Disk operation aborted (.ABORT, 09Dh)

     This  error  occurs  when  any  disk  error  is aborted  by the  user or 
automatically  by the  system. The original disk error code will be passed to 
the abort routine in B as the secondary error code.

Error on standard output (.OUTERR, 09Ch)

     Returned if any error occurred on a standard output channel while it was 
being  accessed through  the character  functions (functions  01h...0Bh). The 
original error  code is  passed to  the abort  routine in  register B  as the 
secondary  error code.  This error  will normally only occur if a program has 
altered the standard file handles.

Error on standard input (.INERR, 09Bh)

     Returned if  any error occurred on a standard input channel while it was 
being  accessed through  the character  functions (functions  01h...0Bh). The 
original error  code is  passed to  the abort  routine in  register B  as the 
secondary error code. The most likely error is end of file (.EOF). This error 
will normally only occur if a program has altered the standard file handles.


     The following errors will not be returned from an MSX-DOS function call, 
but  are used  by the  command interpreter.  They are included here because a 
transient program  may find  it useful  to return  some of them. The "Command 
Specification"  document gives  more details  of what these errors means from 
the command interpreter.

Wrong version of COMMAND (.BADCOM, 08Fh)

     COMMAND2.COM loaded  it's transient part from disk but it's checksum was 
not what was expected.

Unrecognized command (.BADCM, 08Eh)

     A  given command was not an internal command and a .COM or .BAT file was 
not found with the same name.

Command too long (.BUFUL, 08Dh)

     The command in a batch file exceeded 127 characters in length.

(.OKCMD, 08Ch)

     An internal  error used after executing a command passed to COMMAND2.COM 
on the command line. (There is no message for this error code.)

Invalid parameter (.IPARM,      08Bh)

     The  parameter to  a command was invalid in some way eg. a number out of 

Too many parameters (.INP, 08Ah)

     After parsing  all the  parameters required  for a  command, there  were 
still more non-separator characters on the command line.

Missing parameter (.NOPAR, 089h)

     Where a parameter was expected the end of line was found.

Invalid option (.IOPT, 088h)

     The  letter given  after a  / on  the command  line was invalid for that 

Invalid number (.BADNO, 087h)

     Non-digit characters appeared where a number was expected.

File for HELP not found (.NOHELP, 086h)

     The  help  file was  not found  or the  parameter was  not a  valid HELP 

Wrong version of MSX-DOS (.BADVER, 085h)

     This error  is never  used by  the command  interpreter, it  has its own 
internal  message  for  this  error.  However  it  is provided  for transient 
programs which may find it useful to return this error. 

Cannot concatenate destination file (.NOCAT, 084h)

     The destination file in CONCAT is matched by the source specification.

Cannot create destination file (.BADEST, 083h)

     In COPY, creating the destination file would overwrite one of the source 
files (or another file that is already in use).

File cannot be copied onto itself (.COPY, 082h)

     In  COPY, the  destination file  if created  would overwrite  the source 

Cannot overwrite previous destination file (.OVDEST, 081h)

     In  COPY,  an  ambiguous  source  was  specified  with  a non-ambiguous, 
non-directory, non-device destination.

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