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Screen Control Codes
ASCII, 01-09-94


     Below is  a list  of all control codes and escape sequences which may be 
used  when doing  character output by MSX-DOS character functions, BIOS calls 
or writing  to the  device CON.  These are  all compatible with MSX-DOS 1 and 
contain the VT-52 control codes.

     The  screen is 24 lines of 2 to 80 characters. When a printing character 
is displayed the cursor is moved to the next position and to the start of the 
next line at the end of a line. If a character is written in the bottom right 
position  then  the  screen  will  be  scrolled  to  allow the  cursor to  be 
positioned at  the start  of the  next line.  The letters in escape sequences 
must be in the correct case, the spaces are inserted for readability they are 
not  part of  the sequence. Numbers (indicated by <n> or <m>) are included in 
the sequence as a single byte usually with an offset of 20h added.

Ctrl-G  07h = Bell.
Ctrl-H  08h = Cursor left, wraps around to previous line, stop at top left of
Ctrl-I  09h = Tab, overwrites with spaces up to next 8th column, wraps around
        to start of next line, scrolls at bottom right of screen.
Ctrl-J  0Ah = Line feed, scrolls if at bottom of screen.
Ctrl-K  0Bh = Cursor home.
Ctrl-L  0Ch = Clear screen and home cursor.
Ctrl-M  0Dh = Carriage return.
Ctrl-[  1Bh = ESC - see below for escape sequences.
Ctrl-\  1Ch = Cursor right, wrap around to next line, stop at bottom right of
Ctrl-]  1Dh =  Cursor left, wrap around to previous line, stop at top left of
Ctrl-^  1Eh = Cursor up, stop at top of screen.
Ctrl-_  1Fh = Cursor down, stop at bottom of screen.
        7Fh = Delete  character and move cursor left, wrap around to previous
        line, stop at top of screen.

Esc A       = Cursor up, stops at top of screen.
Esc B       = Cursor down, stops at bottom of screen.
Esc C       = Cursor right, stops at end of line.
Esc D       = Cursor left, stops at start of line.
Esc E       = Clear screen and home cursor.
Esc H       = Cursor home.
Esc J       = Erase to end of screen, don't move cursor.
Esc j       = Clear screen and home cursor.
Esc K       = Erase to end of line, don't move cursor.
Esc L       = Insert  a line  above cursor  line, scroll rest of screen down.
              Leave cursor at start of new blank line.
Esc l       = Erase entire line, don't move cursor.
Esc M       = Delete cursor  line, scrolling  rest of screen up. Leave cursor
              at start of next line.
Esc x 4     = Select block cursor.
Esc x 5     = Cursor off.
Esc Y <n><m>= Position  cursor at  row <n>  column <m>. Top left of screen is
              n=m=20h (ASCII space).
Esc y 4     = Select underscore cursor.
Esc y 5     = Cursor on.



