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MSX-DOS 2.20 functions [2/5]
ASCII, 01-09-94

  3.20   DELETE FILE [FCB] (13H)

     Parameters:    C = 13H (_FDEL)
                   DE = Pointer to unopened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 0FFH if no files deleted
                      =   0  if files deleted OK

   All  files in  the current directory of the disk specified by the FCB, and 
which match  the ambiguous filename in the FCB, are deleted. Sub-directories, 
system  files, hidden files and read only files are not deleted. If any files 
at all are successfully deleted then this function returns with A=0. A return 
with A=FFh indicates that no files were deleted.

  3.21   SEQUENTIAL READ [FCB] (14H)

     Parameters:    C = 14H (_RDSEQ)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 01H if error (end of file)
                      =  0  if read was successful

   This function reads the next sequential 128 byte record from the file into 
the  current  disk transfer  address. The  record is  defined by  the current 
extent  (high  and  low  bytes) and  the current  record. After  successfully 
reading the  record, this  function increments  the current  record and if it 
reaches  080h, sets  it back  to zero  and increments  the extent number. The 
record count field is also kept updated when necessary.

   Unlike  CP/M it  is possible  to have  partially filled records, since the 
file size is not necessarily a multiple of 128 bytes. If this occurs then the 
partial record  is padded  out with zeroes when it is copied to the transient 
program's DTA address.


     Parameters:    C = 15H (_WRSEQ)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 01H if error (disk full)
                      =  0  if write was successful

   This function  writes the 128 bytes from the current disk transfer address 
to  the file  at the position defined by the current record and extent, which 
are then  incremented appropriately.  The record  count byte  is kept updated 
correctly  if the  file is  extended or if the write moves into a new extent. 
The file size in the FCB is also updated if the file is extended. 

  3.23   CREATE FILE [FCB] (16H)

     Parameters:    C = 16H (_FMAKE)
                   DE = Pointer to unopened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 0FFH if unsuccessful
                      =   0  if successful   

   This function creates a new file in the current directory of the specified 
drive and opens it ready for reading and writing. The drive, filename and low 
byte of the extent number must be set up in the FCB and the filename must not 
be  ambiguous. Checks  will be  done to ensure that invalid filenames are not 

   If there is already a file of the required name then the action depends on
the value  of the  extent number byte. Normally this will be zero and in this 
case  the old  file will  be deleted  and a  new one  created. However if the 
extent  number  is non-zero  then the  existing file  will be  opened without 
creating a  new file.  This ensures compatibility with early versions of CP/M 
where each extent had to be explicitly created.

   In all  cases the  resulting file  will be opened with the required extent 
number exactly as if an OPEN function call had been done.

  3.24   RENAME FILE [FCB] (17H)

     Parameters:    C = 17H (_FREN)
                   DE = Pointer to unopened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 0FFH not if successful
                      =   0  if successful

   The  unopened FCB  has the  normal drive  and filename,  and also a second 
filename starting  at (DE+17).  Every file  in the  current directory  of the 
specified  drive which  matches the  first filename, is changed to the second 
filename with  "?" characters  in the second filename leaving the appropriate 
character  unchanged.  Checks  are  done  to  prevent  duplicate  or  illegal 
filenames  from being  created. Entries for sub-directories, hidden files and 
system files will not be renamed. 

  3.25   GET LOGIN VECTOR (18H)

     Parameters:    C = 18H (_LOGIN)
     Results:      HL = Login vector

   This function  returns a  bit set in HL for each drive which is available,
bit-0 of L corresponding to drive "A:". Up to eight drives ("A:" to "H:") are 
supported  by the  system currently,  so register  H will  usually be zero on 

  3.26   GET CURRENT DRIVE (19H)

     Parameters:    C = 19H (_CURDRV)
     Results:     L=A = Current drive (0=A: etc)

   This function just returns the current drive number.


     Parameters:    C = 1AH (_SETDTA)
                   DE = Required Disk Transfer Address
     Results:       None

   This function simply records the address passed in DE as the disk transfer 
address.  This address  will be  used for  all subsequent  FCB read and write 
calls,  for  "search for  first" and  "search for  next" calls  to store  the 
directory entry, and for absolute read and write calls. It is not used by the 
new MSX-DOS  read and  write functions.  The address  is set back to 80h by a 


     Parameters:    C = 1BH (_ALLOC)
                    E = Drive number (0=current, 1=A: etc)
     Results:       A = Sectors per cluster
                   BC = Sector size (always 512)
                   DE = Total clusters on disk
                   HL = Free clusters on disk
                   IX = Pointer to DPB
                   IY = Pointer to first FAT sector  

   This function  returns various information about the disk in the specified 
drive.  It is  not compatible  with CP/M  which uses  this function number to 
return the  address of an allocation vector. Note that unlike MSX-DOS 1, only 
the  first sector  of the FAT may be accessed from the address in IY, and the 
data there will only remain valid until the next MSX-DOS call.

  3.29   RANDOM READ [FCB] (21H)

     Parameters:    C = 21H (_RDRND)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 01H if error (end of file)
                         0  if read was successful

   This function  reads a  128 byte  record from the file to the current disk
transfer  address. The  file position  is defined  by the  three byte  random 
record number  in the  FCB (bytes  21h...23h). Unlike CP/M all three bytes of 
the  random record  number are  used. A partial record at the end of the file 
will be padded with zeroes before being copied to the user's DTA.

   The  random  record  number is  not altered  so successive  calls to  this 
function  will read  the same  record unless the transient program alters the 
random record number. A side effect is that the current record and extent are 
set up  to refer  to the  same record as the random record number. This means 
that  sequential reads  (or writes)  can follow  a random read and will start 
from the  same record. The record count byte is also set up correctly for the 

  3.30   RANDOM WRITE [FCB] (22H)

     Parameters:    C = 22H (_WRRND)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 01H if error (disk full)
                      =  0  if no error

   This  function writes  a 128  byte record  from the  current disk transfer 
address to  the file,  at the  record position  specified by  the three  byte 
random  record number (bytes 21h...23h). All three bytes of the random record 
number are  used. If  the record  position is  beyond the current end of file 
then un-initialized disk space will be allocated to fill the gap.

   The random record number field will not be changed, but the current record 
and extent  fields will  be set  up to  refer to  the same record. The record 
count  byte will be adjusted as necessary if the file is being extended or if 
the write goes into a new extent. 

  3.31   GET FILE SIZE [FCB] (23H)

     Parameters:    C = 23H (_FSIZE)
                   DE = Pointer to unopened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 0FFH if file not found
                      =   0  if file found OK

   This function  searches for  the first match with the filename in the FCB, 
exactly the same as OPEN FILE (function 0FH). The size of the located file is 
rounded up to the nearest 128 bytes and the number of records determined. The 
three byte random record field of the FCB is set to the number of records, so 
it is the number of the first record which does not exist. The fourth byte of 
the random record number is not altered.

  3.32   SET RANDOM RECORD [FCB] (24H)

     Parameters:    C = 24H (_SETRND)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
     Results:       None

   This function simply sets the three byte random record field in the FCB to 
the record  determined by  the current  record and  extent number. The fourth 
byte  of the  random record  number is  not altered.  No check  is done as to 
whether the record actually exists in the file.


     Parameters:    C = 26H (_WRBLK)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
                   HL = Number of records to write
     Results:       A = 01H if error 
                      =  0  if no error

   Data  is written from the current disk transfer address to the position in 
the file  defined by  the random record number. The record size is determined 
by  the record size field in the FCB (bytes 0Eh and 0Fh) which must be set by 
the user  after opening  the file  and before  calling this  function. If the 
record  size is  less than  64 bytes then all four bytes of the random record 
number are used, otherwise only the first three are used.

   The number  of records to be written is specified by HL, and together with 
the  record size  this determines  the amount of data to be written. An error 
will be returned if the size exceeds 64k, thus limiting the maximum size of a 

   After  writing the  data, the  random record field is adjusted to the next 
record number  in the file (ie. HL is added on to it). The current record and 
extent  fields are not used or altered. The file size field is updated if the 
file has been extended.

   The  record size  can be any value from 1...0FFFFh. Small record sizes are
no less  efficient that  large record sizes so if desired the record size can 
be set to one and the record count then becomes a byte count. It is desirable 
to  write as much as possible with one function call since one large transfer 
will be quicker than several small ones.

   If  the number  of records  to write  (HL) is  zero then  no data  will be
written, but  the size  of the file will be altered to the value specified by 
the random record field. This may be either longer or shorter than the file's 
current  size  and  disk  space  will  be  allocated  or  freed as  required. 
Additional  disk space  allocated in  this way will not be initialized to any 
particular value.

  3.34   RANDOM BLOCK READ [FCB] (27H)

     Parameters:    C = 27H (_RDBLK)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
                   HL = Number of records to read
     Results:       A = 01H if error (usually caused by end-of-file)
                      =  0  if no error
                   HL = Number of records actually read

This  function is  the complement of the BLOCK WRITE function described above 
and most of the same comments apply as regards its use. Again if large blocks 
are read then it will be much faster than the normal CP/M operation.
   For example if it is desired to read 20k from a file, it is better to read 
the 20k  with one  function call rather than 20 separate function calls of 1k 
each.  However it  makes no  difference whether  the 20k  read is done with a 
record size  of 1  and a record count of 20k, with a record size of 20k and a 
record count of 1, or any intermediate combination.

   The number of records actually read is returned in HL. This may be smaller 
than the  number of records requested if the end of the file was encountered. 
In  this case  any partial record will be padded out with zeroes before being 
copied to  the users  DTA. The  random record  field is adjusted to the first 
record not read, ie. the value returned in HL is added on to it.


     Parameters:    C = 28H (_WRZER)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 01H if error
                      = 00H if no error

   This  function is  identical to RANDOM WRITE (function 22h) except that if
the file has to be extended, any extra allocated disk clusters will be filled 
with zeroes before writing the data. 

  3.36   GET DATE (2AH)

     Parameters:    C = 2AH (_GDATE)
     Results:      HL = Year 1980...2079
                    D = Month (1=Jan...12=Dec)
                    E = Date (1...31)
                    A = Day of week (0=Sun...6=Sat)

   This function simply returns the current value of the internal calender in 
the format shown.

  3.37   SET DATE (2BH)

     Parameters:    C = 2BH (_SDATE)
                   HL = Year 1980...2079
                    D = Month (1=Jan...12=Dec)
                    E = Date (1...31)
     Results:       A = 00H if date was valid
                        FFH if date was invalid

   The supplied  date is  checked for  validity and if it is valid then it is 
stored  as the  new date.  The validity  checks include full checking for the 
number of  days in each month and leap years. If the date is invalid then the 
current  date will  be left  unaltered. The  date is  stored in the real time 
clock chip so it will be remembered when the machine is turned off.

  3.38   GET TIME (2CH)

     Parameters:    C = 2CH (_GTIME)
     Results:       H = Hours (0...23)
                    L = Minutes (0...59)
                    D = Seconds (0...59)
                    E = Centiseconds (always zero)

   This function  returns the current value of the system clock in the format 

  3.39   SET TIME (2DH)

     Parameters:    C = 2DH (_STIME)
                    H = Hours (0...23)
                    L = Minutes (0...59)
                    D = Seconds (0...59)
                    E = Centiseconds (ignored)
     Results:       A = 00H if time was valid
                        FFH if time was invalid

   This function  sets the internal system clock to the specified time value. 
If  the time  is invalid then register A will be returned as 0FFh to indicate 
an error  and the  current time will be left unaltered. The time is stored in 
the  real time  clock chip and so it will be remembered and kept correct when 
the machine is turned off.



