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MSX-DOS 2.20 functions [1/5]
ASCII, 01-09-94


   Below are detailed descriptions of each of the MSX-DOS functions including
both the  old and  new ones. The names in brackets after the function numbers
are   the  public  labels  for  the  function  codes  which  are  defined  in
"CODES.MAC". Programs should use these names whenever possible.

   Many of  the functions below 40h return an error flag rather than an error 
code.  If the  error flag  is set  then the  actual error code indicating the 
cause of  the error can be obtained by the "get previous error code" function 
(function  65h).  All  of the  functions above  40h return  an error  code in 
register  A.  The  "Program Interface  Specification" document  describes the 
general  errors  which  can  be  returned  from  many of  the functions.  The 
individual  function specifications  here describe  the main error conditions 
which are specific to particular functions.
   Note that  many of  the function  calls which  modify the information on a 
disk  do  not  automatically  flush  disk  buffers  and  so  the disk  is not 
necessarily  correctly updated  immediately after  the function call is made. 
Such  calls  include  all  types  of  "create", "write",  "delete", "rename", 
"change file  attributes" and "change file date and time" function calls. The 
only  functions which  always flush disk buffers are "flush buffers", "close" 
and  "ensure".  After  these  operations the  disk will  always be  correctly 


     Parameters:    C = 00H (_TERM0)
     Results:       Does not return

   This function  terminates program  with a zero return code. It is provided 
for  compatibility with MSX-DOS 1 and CP/M, the preferred method of exiting a 
program is  to use  the "terminate  with error  code" function call (function 
62h),  passing  a  zero  error  code  if  that is  what is  desired. See  the 
description   of  that   function  call,  and  also  the  "Program  Interface 
Specification", for  details of  what happens when a program terminates. This 
function call never returns to the caller.

  3.2   CONSOLE INPUT (01H)

    Parameters:    C = 01H (_CONIN)
    Results:     L=A = Character from keyboard

   A  character will be read from the standard input (file handle 0 - usually 
the keyboard)  and echoed to the standard output (file handle 1 - usually the 
screen).  If no  character is  ready then  this function  will wait  for one. 
Various control  characters, as  specified for  the "console status" function 
(function  0Bh),  will  be  trapped  by  this  function  for  various control 
purposes.  If one  of these  characters is detected then it will be processed 
and this function will wait for another character. Thus these characters will 
never be returned to the user by this function.

  3.3   CONSOLE OUTPUT (02H)

     Parameters:    C = 02H (_CONOUT)
                    E = Character to be output
     Results:       None

   The character passed in register E is written to the standard output (file
handle 1 - usually the screen). If printer echo is enabled then the character 
is also  written to  the printer.  Various control codes and escape sequences 
are  interpreted as  screen control codes. A list of these is included in the 
"Program Interface  Specification", they  are a sub-set of the standard VT-52 
control codes. TABs will be expanded to every eighth column.

   A  console input  status check  is done, and if any of the special control
characters  described  for the  "console status"  function (function  0Bh) is 
found then  it will  be processed  as for  that function. Any other character 
will be saved internally for a later "console input" function call.


     Parameters:    C = 03H (_AUXIN)
     Results:     L=A = Input character

   A character is read from the auxiliary input device (file handle 3) and if 
no character  is ready  then it will wait for one. The auxiliary input device 
must  have been installed before this function may be used. If no such device 
has been  installed then  this function  will always  return the  end of file 
character ("Ctrl-Z").


     Parameters:    C = 04H (_AUXOUT)
                    E = Character to be output
     Results:       None

   The character passed in register E will be written to the auxiliary output 
device (file  handle 3). The auxiliary output device must have been installed 
before  this function  may be used. If no such device has been installed then 
this function will simply throw the character away.

  3.6   PRINTER OUTPUT (05H)

     Parameters:    C = 05H (_LSTOUT)
                    E = Character to be output
     Results:       None

   The character  passed in  register E  will be sent to the standard printer 
device  (file handle  4 -  usually the parallel printer). The same channel is 
used for console output which is echoed to the printer. TABs are not expanded 
by this  function, although they are expanded when screen output is echoed to 
the printer with "Ctrl-P".

  3.7   DIRECT CONSOLE I/O (06H)

     Parameters:    C = 06H (_DIRIO)
                    E = 00H...FEH - character for output
                      = FFH  - requests input
     Results:     A=L = input - 00H - no character ready
                                else input character
                       undefined for output

   If  E=FFh on  entry then the keyboard will be examined for a characterfrom 
the standard input (file handle 0) and 00h returned if no character is ready. 
If a  character is  ready then  it will be read from the standard input (file 
handle  0) and  returned in register A without being echoed and with no check 
for control characters.

   If  E<>FFh  on entry  then the  character in  register E  will be  printed 
directly to  the standard  output (file  handle 1)  with no  TAB expansion or 
printer  echo. Also  no console  status check  is done by this function. Note 
that although  this function  does not  expand TABs,  the VT-52 control codes 
include TAB expansion so the effect on the screen is the same.


     Parameters:    C = 07H (_DIRIN)
     Results:     L=A = Input character

   This function  is identical  to the  input option  of function 06h, except
that  if no  character is  ready it  will wait for one. Like function 06h, no 
echo  or  control  characters  checks  will  be  done.  This function  is not 
compatible with CP/M which uses this function number for "get I/O byte".


     Parameters:    C = 08H (_INNOE)
     Results:     L=A = Input character

   This function is identical to function 01h except that the input character 
will  not be echoed to the standard output. The same control character checks 
will be  done. This  function is  not compatible  with CP/M  which uses  this 
function number for "set I/O byte".

  3.10   STRING OUTPUT (09H)

     Parameters:    C = 09H (_STROUT)
                  DE = Address of string
     Results:       None

   The characters  of the  string pointed  to by  register DE  will be output 
using  the normal  console output  routine (function call 02h). The string is 
terminated by "$" (ASCII 24h).


     Parameters:    C = 0AH (_BUFIN)
                   DE = Address of an input buffer
     Results:       None

   DE  must point  to a  buffer to  be used for input. The first byte of this 
buffer  must  contain  the  number of  characters which  the buffer  can hold 
(0...255). A  line of input will be read from the standard input device (file 
handle  0 - usually the keyboard) and stored in the buffer. The input will be 
terminated  when  a  CR  is  read  from  the  standard input.  The number  of 
characters entered,  which does  not include the CR itself, will be stored at 
(DE+1).  If there  is room in the buffer then the CR will be stored after the 
last character.

   When inputting  from the  keyboard (which  will normally  be the  case), a 
simple  line  editor  is provided,  and also  a 256  byte circular  buffer of 
previous  lines which  can be  edited and  re-entered. The  details of  these 
editing  facilities  are described  in the  separate "Command  Specification" 
document, so  they are not included here. When the input buffer becomes full, 
the console bell will be rung for each character typed which cannot be put in 
the  buffer. Each character entered will be echoed to the standard output and 
also to the printer if printer echo is enabled.


     Parameters:    C = 0BH (_CONST)
     Results:     L=A = 00H if no key was pressed
                      = FFH if a key was pressed

   A  flag is returned in register A to indicate whether a character is ready 
(that is,  a key  was pressed) for input from the keyboard. If a character is 
ready then it will be read and tested for certain special control characters. 
If it is not one of these then it is stored in an internal single byte buffer 
and   subsequent  call   to  this  function  will  return  "character  ready" 
immediately  without  checking the  keyboard. If  this function  says that  a 
character is ready then the character may be read by function 02h or 08h.

   If the  character is  "Ctrl-C" then  the program will be terminated with a 
".CTRLC"  error  via  the  user's  abort routine  if one  is defined.  If the 
character  is  "Ctrl-P"  then printer  echo will  be enabled  and it  will be 
disabled  if it  is "Ctrl-N".  If the  character is "Ctrl-S" then the routine 
will hang  up waiting for another character to be pressed and then return "no 
character  ready", thus  providing a  "wait" facility. The character typed to 
continue operation  will be  ignored, except  that of it is "Ctrl-C" then the 
program  will  be  terminated.  These  same input  checks are  also done  for 
functions 01h, 02h, 08h, 09h and 0Ah.


     Parameters:    C = 0CH (_CPMVER)
     Results:     L=A = 22H
                  H=B = 00H
   This  function  simply  returns  the  CP/M version  number which  is being 
emulated. This is always version 2.2 in current systems. 

  3.14   DISK RESET (0DH)

     Parameters:    C = 0DH (_DSKRST)
     Results:       None

   Any  data which  is waiting in internal buffers is written out to disk. It 
is not  necessary to call this function in order to allow a disk change as is 
the case with CP/M. The disk transfer address is also set back to its default 
value of 80h by this function.

  3.15   SELECT DISK (0EH)

     Parameters:    C = 0EH (_SELDSK)
                    E = Drive number.  0=A:  1=B:   etc.
     Results:     L=A = Number of drives (1...8)

   This function simply selects the specified drive as the default drive. The 
current  drive is  also stored  at address  0004h for CP/M compatibility. The 
number  of  drives available  is returned  in register  A but  this will  not 
include the RAM disk.

  3.16   OPEN FILE [FCB] (0FH)

     Parameters:    C = 0FH (_FOPEN)
                   DE = Pointer to unopened FCB 
     Results:     L=A = 0FFH if file not found
                      =   0  if file is found

   The unopened  FCB must  contain a  drive which may be zero to indicate the 
current  drive  and  a filename  and extension  which may  be ambiguous.  The 
current directory of the specified drive will be searched for a matching file 
and if found it will be opened. Matching entries which are sub-directories or 
system files will be ignored, and if the filename is ambiguous then the first 
suitable matching entry will be opened.

   Device  names may  be put in the FCB (without a colon) to allow devices to
be accessed  as if  they were  actually disk files. The standard device names 
are defined in the "Program Interface Specification".

   The  low byte  of the extent number is not altered by this function, and a 
file will only be opened if it is big enough to contain the specified extent. 
Normally the  transient program  will set  the extent  number to  zero before 
calling this function. The high byte of the extent number will be set to zero 
to ensure compatibility with CP/M.

   The filename  and extension in the FCB will be replaced by the actual name
of  the file  opened from the directory entry. This will normally be the same 
as what was there before but may be different if an ambiguous filename or one 
with lower case letters in was used. 

   The  record count  will be  set to  the number  of 128 byte records in the 
specified extent, which is calculated from the file size. The file size field 
itself, the  volume-id and  the 8  reserved bytes  will also  be set  up. The 
current record and random record fields will not be altered by this function, 
it  is the  application program's  responsibility to  initialize them  before 
using the read or write functions.

   If  the file  cannot be  found, then the "APPEND" environment item will be 
examined. If  this is set then it is interpreted as a drive/path string which 
specifies  a second  directory in  which to  look for the file. The specified 
directory will  be searched  for the  file and  if found it will be opened as 
above.  In this  case the  drive byte  of the FCB will be set to the drive on 
which the  file was  found to  ensure correct  accessing of  the file  if the 
original drive byte was zero (default).

  3.17   CLOSE FILE [FCB] (10H)

     Parameters:    C = 10H (_FCLOSE)
                   DE = Pointer to opened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 0FFH if not successful
                      =   0  if successful

   The  FCB must  have previously been opened with either an OPEN or a CREATE 
function  call.  If  the  file has  only been  read then  this function  does 
nothing. If  the file  has been  written to  then any  buffered data  will be 
written  to disk  and the directory entry updated appropriately. The file may 
still be  accessed after a close, so the function can be regarded as doing an 
"ensure" function.

  3.18   SEARCH FOR FIRST [FCB] (11H)

     Parameters:    C = 11H (_SFIRST)
                   DE = Pointer to unopened FCB
     Results:     L=A = 0FFH if file not found
                      =   0  if file found.

   This function searches the current directory of the drive specified in the 
FCB  (default  drive  if  FCB contains  zero) for  a file  which matches  the 
filename and  extension in the FCB. The filename may be ambiguous (containing 
"?"  characters) in which case the first match will be found. The low byte of 
the extent  field will  be used,  and a  file will only be found if it is big 
enough  to contain  this extent number. Normally the extent field will be set 
to  zero  by  the  program  before  calling  this  function. System  file and 
sub-directory entries will not be found.

   If a suitable match is found (A=0) then the directory entry will be copied 
to the  DTA address,  preceded by the drive number. This can be used directly 
as an FCB for an OPEN function call if desired. The extent number will be set 
to  the low byte of the extent from the search FCB, and the record count will 
be initialized  appropriately (as  for OPEN).  The attributes  byte from  the 
directory  entry will  be stored  in the  S1 byte  position, since its normal 
position (immediately  after the  filename extension  field) is  used for the 
extent byte.

   If no match is found (A=0FFh) then the DTA will not be altered. In no case 
will  the FCB  pointed to  by DE  be modified at all. This function remembers 
sufficient information  internally to  allow it to continue the search with a 
SEARCH  FOR NEXT function, so it is not necessary for the FCB to be preserved 
if doing a SEARCH FOR NEXT function.

   In CP/M,  if the  drive number  is set  to "?"  in this  function then all 
directory  entries, allocated  or free  will be  matched. Also  if the extent 
field is  set to "?" then any extent of a file will be matched. Both of these 
features  are normally  only used  by special purpose CP/M programs which are 
generally  specific  to  the  CP/M filing  system (such  as "STAT").  Neither 
feature is present in MSX-DOS 1/2.

  3.19   SEARCH FOR NEXT [FCB] (12H)

     Parameters:    C = 12H (_SNEXT)
     Results:     L=A = 0FFH if file not found
                      =   0  if file found.

   It continues  the search to look for the next match with the filename. The 
results returned from this function are identical to SEARCH FOR FIRST and all 
the  same comments apply. The information used to continue the search is held 
internally within  MSX-DOS and  so the  original FCB  used in  the SEARCH FOR 
FIRST need not still exist.



