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MSX-DOS 2.20 functions [3/5]
ASCII, 01-09-94


     Parameters:    C = 2EH (_VERIFY)
                    E =  0 to disable verify
                      <> 0 to enable verify  
     Results:       None

   This function  simply enables  or disables  automatic verification  of all 
writes.  It  defaults  to off  when MSX-DOS  is started  up. Enabling  verify 
improves  system reliability  but also slows down write operations. Note that 
this function  depends on  the disk  driver and  the verification will not be 
done if the driver does not support it.


     Parameters:    C = 2FH (_RDABS)
                   DE = Sector number
                    L = Drive number (0=A: etc.)
                    H = Number of sectors to read
     Results:       A = Error code (0=> no error)

   This function  reads sectors  directly from  the disk without interpreting 
them  as files.  The disk  must be  a valid  DOS disk in order for the sector 
number to  be translated  into a  physical position  on the disk. The sectors 
will  be read  to the  current disk  transfer address. Any disk error will be 
reported by the system in the usual way.


     Parameters:    C = 30H (_WRABS)
                   DE = Sector number
                    L = Drive number (0=A: etc.)
                    H = Number of sectors to write
     Results:       A = Error code

   This  function writes  sectors directly  to the  disk without interpreting 
them as  files. The  disk must  be a  valid DOS  disk in order for the sector 
number  to be  translated into  a physical  position on the disk. The sectors 
will be  written from  the current disk transfer address. Any disk errors are 
reported by the system in the usual way.


     Parameters:    C = 31H (_DPARM)
                   DE = Pointer to 32 byte buffer
                    L = Drive number (0=default, 1=A: etc.)
     Results:       A = Error code
                   DE = Preserved

   This functions  returns a  series of  parameters relating to the format of 
the  disk in  the specified  drive, to the buffer allocated within the user's 
program. It  is useful  for programs  which are  going to  do absolute sector 
reads  and writes,  in order  for them  to be  able to interpret the absolute 
sector numbers. The parameters returned contain some redundant information in 
order to  provide parameters which are most useful to transient programs. The 
format of the returned parameter block is:

     DE+0      - Physical drive number (1=A: etc)
     DE+1,2    - Sector size (always 512 currently)
     DE+3      - Sectors per cluster (non-zero power of 2)
     DE+4,5    - Number of reserved sectors (usually 1)
     DE+6      - Number of copies of the FAT (usually 2)
     DE+7,8    - Number of root directory entries
     DE+9,10   - Total number of logical sectors
     DE+11     - Media descriptor byte
     DE+12     - Number of sectors per FAT
     DE+13..14 - First root directory sector number
     DE+15..16 - First data sector number
     DE+17..18 - Maximum cluster number
     DE+19     - Dirty disk flag
     DE+20..23 - Volume id. (-1 => no volume id.)
     DE+24..31 - Reserved (currently always zero)  

   The dirty  disk flag  indicates whether  in the disk there is a file which 
can  be recovered  by UNDEL  command. It is reset when the file allocation is 

  3.44   FIND FIRST ENTRY (40H)

     Parameters:    C = 40H (_FFIRST) 
                   DE = Drive/path/file ASCIIZ string
                                or fileinfo block pointer
                        HL = filename ASCIIZ string (only if
                                DE = fileinfo pointer)
                         B = Search attributes
                   IX = Pointer to new fileinfo block
     Results:       A = Error
                 (IX) = Filled in with matching entry 

   The "drive/path" portion of the string, or the fileinfo block, specifies a 
directory which  is to  be searched.  A ".IATTR"  error will be returned if a 
fileinfo  block which  specifies a  file is passed. The "file" portion of the 
string, or  the filename  ASCIIZ string in HL, determines what filenames will 
be matched. If no match is found then a ".NOFIL" error is returned, otherwise 
the  fileinfo block  pointed to  by IX  is filled  in with the details of the 
matching entry.

   The filename  may contain  ambiguous filename  characters ("?"  or "*") in 
which case the first matching entry will be returned. If the filename is null 
(either  the ASCIIZ  string pointed  to by DE is null or ends in a "\" or the 
filename string  pointed to  by HL  is null),  then this function will behave 
exactly as if the filename was "*.*" so any name will match.

   The  attributes byte  in register  B specifies  what type of entry will be 
matched. If  it is zero then only non-hidden, non-system files will be found. 
If  the directory,  hidden or  system bits in register B are set then entries 
with these  attributes will  be matched  as well  as ordinary files. The read 
only and archive bits of register B are ignored.

   If the  volume name bit of register B is set then the search is exclusive, 
only  the volume  label entry  will be  found. In this case also the fileinfo 
block  and  filename or  the drive/path/file  string are  ignored apart  from 
specifying the drive. This means that the volume name will always be found in 
the root directory if it exists whether or not it matches the filename given.

   If DE  points to  a fileinfo  block, then  if desired, IX can point to the 
same  fileinfo block.  In this  case when  a match  is found the new fileinfo 
block will overwrite the old one.

  3.45   FIND NEXT ENTRY (41H)

     Parameters:    C = 41H (_FNEXT) 
                        IX = Pointer to fileinfo block from
                             previous find first function. 
     Results:       A = Error
                 (IX) = Filled in with next matching entry 

   This function  should only  be used  after a  "find first  entry" function 
call.  It  searches  the  directory  for the  next match  to the  (presumably 
ambiguous)  filename which was given to the "find first entry" function call. 
If there  are no  more matching  entries then  a ".NOFIL"  error is returned, 
otherwise  the fileinfo block is filled in with the information about the new 
matching entry.

  3.46   FIND NEW ENTRY (42H)

     Parameters:    C = 42H (_FNEW) 
                        DE = Drive/path/file ASCIIZ string
                                or fileinfo block pointer
                        HL = filename ASCIIZ string (only if
                                DE = fileinfo pointer)
                         B = b0..b6 = Required attributes
                             b7 = Create new flag
                   IX = Pointer to new fileinfo block
                         containing template filename
     Results:       A = Error
                 (IX) = Filled in with new entry 

   This function is very similar to the "find first entry" function described 
above. The  parameters in  HL and  DE are  used in  exactly the  same way  to 
specify  a  directory  entry.  However  instead  of  searching  the  selected 
directory  for an entry which matches the specified name, a new entry will be 
created with this name. The fileinfo block pointed to by IX will be filled in 
with information  about the  new entry  just as  if it  had been found with a 
"find first entry" call.

   If there  are any  ambiguous characters ("?" or "*") in the filename, then 
they will be replaced by the appropriate character from a "template filename" 
in  the filename  position of the new fileinfo block pointed to by IX. If the 
result is  still ambiguous,  or otherwise  illegal, then  a ".IFNM"  error is 
returned. This is useful for copy operations which do an automatic rename.

   Like  "find first entry", if the filename is null, then it will be treated 
exactly as  if it  was "*.*".  For this function that means that the template 
filename will be used as the new filename to create.

   A  ".DRFUL"  error  will  be  returned if  there is  no room  in the  root 
directory, and a ".DKFUL" if a sub-directory must be extended and the disk is 
already full.

   The  attribute byte  passed in  register B  is the attribute which the new
entry will be given. If the volume name bit is set then a volume name will be 
created in  the root  directory. If  the directory  bit is set then the entry 
created  will be  for a  sub-directory, otherwise  it will be for a file. The 
system, hidden  and read  only bits may be set for a file, and the hidden bit 
for a sub-directory. A file will always be created with the archive attribute 
bit set.

   A file  will be  created as  zero length with the current date and time. A 
sub-directory will have a single cluster allocated to it and the "." and ".." 
entries will be initialized appropriately.

   If there is already an entry with the specified name in the directory then 
the action depends on the "create new" flag (bit-7 of register B) and also on 
the type  of the entry. If the "create new" flag is set then a ".FILEX" error 
will  always be returned. Setting this flag thereforeensures that an existing 
file will not be deleted.

   If  an entry  already exists and the "create new" flag is not set then the 
type of  the existing  entry is  examined to see whether it can be deleted to 
make  room for the new file. An error will be returned if the entry is a read 
only file  (".FILRO" error), a system file (".SYSX" error) or a sub-directory 
(".DIRX" error) or there is a file handle already open to this file (".FOPEN" 
error). If we are trying to create a sub-directory then even an ordinary file 
will not be deleted (".FILEX" error).

   For  all  of  these  error  codes (".FILEX",  ".FILRO", ".SYSX",  ".DIRX", 
".FOPEN"),  the  fileinfo  block will  be filed  in with  the details  of the 
already  existing entry  and this fileinfo block may be used exactly as if it 
had been returned from a "find first" function.

  3.47   OPEN FILE HANDLE (43H)

     Parameters:    C = 43H (_OPEN) 
                   DE = Drive/path/file ASCIIZ string
                            or fileinfo block pointer
                    A = Open mode. b0 set => no write
                                   b1 set => no read
                                   b2 set => inheritable   
                                   b3..b7   -  must be clear
     Results:       A = Error
                    B = New file handle  

   The  drive/path/file string or the fileinfo block should normally refer to 
a file  rather than  a sub-directory  or volume  name. If it is a volume name 
then a ".IATTR" error will be returned. If it is a sub-directory then ".DIRX" 
error will be returned.

   Assuming that a file is specified then it will be opened ready for reading 
and/or writing (depending on the open mode in A) and a new file handle for it 
will  be returned in register B. The lowest available file handle number will 
be used and an error will result if there are no spare file handles (".NHAND" 
error), or insufficient memory (".NORAM" error).

   If the  "no read" bit of register A is set then reads from the file handle 
will  be  rejected  and if  the "no  write" bit  is set  then writes  will be 
rejected,  in both  cases with an ".ACCV" error. Writes will also be rejected 
if  the  file is  read only  (".FILRO" error).  If the  "inheritable" bit  of 
register A  is set  then the  file handle  will be inherited by a new process 
created by the "fork" function call (see function 60h).

   If a  device file  handle is opened by giving a filename which matches one 
of  the built in devices (for example "CON" or "NUL"), then it will always be 
opened initially in ASCII mode. The IOCTL function (function 4Bh) can be used 
to change  this to  binary mode  but great care must be taken in reading from 
devices in binary mode because there is no end of file condition.


     Parameters:    C = 44H (_CREATE) 
                   DE = Drive/path/file ASCIIZ string
                    A = Open mode. b0 set => no write
                                   b1 set => no read
                                   b2 set => inheritable   
                                 b3..b7   -  must be clear
                    B = b0..b6 = Required attributes
                            b7 = Create new flag
     Results:       A = Error
                    B = New file handle  

   A file  or sub-directory,  as specified  by the  attributes in register B, 
will  be  created  with  the  name  and  in  the  directory specified  by the 
drive/path/file  string. A ".IATTR" error is returned if register B specifies 
a volume name.

   An error  will be returned if the file or sub-directory cannot be created. 
The  error conditions  in this  case are the same as for the "find new entry" 
function (function  42h) with  the main  error codes being ".FILEX", ".DIRX", 
".SYSX",  ".FILRO",  ".FOPEN",  ".DRFUL" and  ".DKFUL". Like  the "find  new" 
function,  if the  "create new"  flag (bit-7  of register  B) is  set then an 
existing file will not be deleted and will always return a ".FILEX" error.

   If the  attributes byte  specifies a sub-directory then the hidden bit may 
also  be set to create a hidden sub-directory. For a file, the hidden, system 
or  read  only  bits  may  be  set  to  create  a  file with  the appropriate 
attributes. An  invalid attributes  bits will  simply be ignored. A file will 
always be created with the archive attribute bit set.

   A  file  will  automatically  be opened  just as  for the  "open" function 
described above,  and a  file handle  returned in register B. The "open mode" 
parameter  is  interpreted  in the  same way  as for  the "open"  function. A 
sub-directory  will not be opened (because this is meaningless) so register B 
will be returned as 0FFh which can never be a valid file handle.

  3.49   CLOSE FILE HANDLE (45H)

     Parameters:    C = 45H (_CLOSE) 
                    B = File handle
     Results:       A = Error

   This  function  releases  the  specified file  handle for  re-use. If  the 
associated file  has been written to then its directory entry will be updated 
with  a new  date and  time, the  archive attributes bit will be set, and any 
buffered data  will be  flushed to  disk. Any  subsequent attempt to use this 
file  handle will return an error. If there are any other copies of this file 
handle, created by "duplicate file handle" or "fork", then these other copies 
may still be used. 


     Parameters:    C = 46H (_ENSURE) 
                    B = File handle
     Results:       A = Error

   If  the file  associated with the file handle has been written to then its
directory  entry  will  be  updated with  a new  date and  time, the  archive 
attributes bit  will be  set, and  any buffered data will be flushed to disk. 
The file handle is not released and so it can still be used for accessing the 
file, and the current file pointer setting will not be altered.


     Parameters:    C = 47H (_DUP) 
                    B = File handle
     Results:       A = Error
                    B = New file handle

   This  function creates  a copy  of the  specified file  handle. The lowest
available  file  handle  number  will  always  be used  and a  ".NHAND" error 
returned if  there are  none available. The new file handle will refer to the 
same  file as the original and either one may be used. If the file pointer of 
one handle  is moved,  the other  one will also be moved. If either handle is 
closed the other one may still be used.

   Note that  because duplicate file handles created by this function are not 
"separately  opened", they  do not  count as  separate file  handles for  the 
purposes of  generating ".FOPEN" errors. So for example a "DUP"ed file handle 
may  be renamed  (function 53h) or have its attributes changed (function 55h) 
and the  effect will  apply to  both file handles. Note in particular that if 
one  copy of  a "DUP"ed  file handle  is deleted (function 54h) then the file 
really will be deleted and the other file handle, although still open, can no 
longer be  used safely.  If it  is used  (other than being closed, ensured or 
deleted) then an ".FDEL" error will be returned. 


     Parameters:    C = 48H (_READ) 
                    B = File handle
                   DE = Buffer address
                   HL = Number of bytes to read  
     Results:       A = Error
                   HL = Number of bytes actually read

   The  specified number  of bytes are read from the file at the current file
pointer position  and copied  to the buffer address specified in register DE. 
The file pointer is then updated to the next sequential byte. A ".ACCV" error 
will  be returned if the file handle was opened with the "no read" access bit 

   The number of bytes read may be less than the number requested for various 
reasons, and  the number  read will be returned in register HL if there is no 
error.  In general  if less  is read  than requested  then this should not be 
treated as  an error  condition but  another read  should be done to read the 
next portion, until a ".EOF" error is returned. An ".EOF" error will never be 
returned  for a partial read, only for a read which reads zero bytes. Reading 
files in  this way  ensures that device file handles will work correctly (see 

   For disk  files the number of bytes read will only be less than the number 
requested  if the  end of  the file is reached and in this case the next read 
operation will  read zero bytes and will return an ".EOF" error. When reading 
from a device file handle (for example the standard file handles 0 to 4), the 
behaviour  depends on  the particular device, and on whether it is being read 
in ASCII  or binary  mode (see  function 4Bh below). The "CON" device will be 
described  as an  example because  it is  the most  commonly used device, but 
other devices behave similarly.

   When reading from the "CON" device in binary mode, characters will be read 
from the keyboard, without any interpretation and without being echoed to the 
screen or  printer. The  exact number  of characters requested will always be 
read and there is no end of file condition. Because of the lack of any end of 
file indication, great care must be taken when reading from devices in binary 

   A  read function  call to the "CON" device in ASCII mode (the default mode
and that  which normally  applies to  the standard  input channel), will only 
read  one line  of input.  The input line will be read from the keyboard with 
the normal  line editing  facilities available to the user, and the character 
typed  will be  echoed to the screen and to the printer if Ctrl-P is enabled. 
Special control  characters "Ctrl-P", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-S" and "Ctrl-C" will be 
tested  for and  will be  treated exactly  as for the console status function 

   When  the user types a carriage return the line will be copied to the read 
buffer, terminated  with a  CR-LF sequence  and the read function will return 
with  an appropriate  byte count.  The next  read will start another buffered 
line input  operation. If  the number of bytes requested in the read was less 
than the length of the line input then as many character as requested will be 
returned,  and the  next read  function call will return immediately with the 
next portion of the line until it has all been read.

   If the  user types a line which starts with a "Ctrl-Z" character then this
will be interpreted as indicating end of file. The line will be discarded and 
the  read function  call will  read zero  bytes and return an ".EOF" error. A 
subsequent read after this will be back to normal and will start another line 
input. The end of file condition is thus not permanent.


     Parameters:    C = 49H (_WRITE) 
                    B = File handle
                   DE = Buffer address
                   HL = Number of bytes to write
     Results:       A = Error
                   HL = Number of bytes actually written

   This function is very similar to the "read" function above (function 48h).
The number  of bytes  specified will  be written  to the current file pointer 
position  in the file, and the file pointer will be adjusted to point to just 
after the  last byte  written. If  the file  was opened  with the  "no write" 
access bit set then a ".ACCV" error will be returned, and if the file is read 
only then a ".FILRO" error will be returned.

   If the  write goes  beyond the  current end  of file then the file will be 
extended  as necessary.  If the file pointer is already beyond the end of the 
file then  disk space  will be  allocated to  fill the  gap and  will not  be 
initialized.  If there  is insufficient disk space then a ".DKFUL" error will 
be returned  and no  data will be written, even if there was room for some of 
the data.

   The number of bytes written can usually be ignored since it will either be 
zero  if an  error is returned or it will be equal to the number requested if 
the write  was successful. It is very much more efficient to write files in a 
few  large blocks  rather than many small ones, so programs should always try 
to write in as large blocks as possible.

   This function sets a "modified" bit for the file handle which ensures that 
when the  file handle  is closed or ensured, either explicitly or implicitly, 
the  directory entry  will be  updated with the new date, time and allocation 
information. Also  the archive bit will be set to indicate that this file has 
been modified since it was last archived.

   Writing  to device  file handles is not a complicated as reading from them 
because there  are no  end of  file conditions  or line input to worry about. 
There  are some differences between ASCII and binary mode when writing to the 
"CON" device, in that a console status check is done in ASCII mode only. Also 
printer echo if enabled will only be done in ASCII mode.


     Parameters:    C = 4AH (_SEEK) 
                    B = File handle
                    A = Method code
                DE:HL = Signed offset
     Results:       A = Error
                DE:HL = New file pointer 

   The file pointer associated with the specified file handle will be altered
according to  the method  code and offset, and the new pointer value returned 
in DE:HL. The method code specifies where the signed offset is relative to as 

     A=0  Relative to the beginning of the file
     A=1  Relative to the current position
     A=2  Relative to the end of the file.

   Note  that an  offset of  zero with an method code of 1 will simply return 
the current  pointer value,  and with a method code of 2 will return the size 
of  the file.  No end  of file  check is  done so  it is  quite possible (and 
sometimes useful)  to set  the file  pointer beyond  the end  of the file. If 
there  are any  copies of  this file  handle created  by the  "duplicate file 
handle" function  (function 47h)  or the  "fork" function (function 60h) then 
their file pointer will also be changed. 

   The file  pointer only  has any  real meaning  on disk  files since random 
access is possible. On device files the file pointer is updated appropriately 
when  any read  or write  is done,  and can  be examined  or altered  by this 
function.  However  changing will  have no  effect and  examining it  is very 
unlikely to be useful.


     Parameters:    C = 4BH (_IOCTL) 
                    B = File handle
                    A = Sub-function code
                        00H => get file handle status
                        01H => set ASCII/binary mode
                        02H => test input ready
                        03H => test output ready
                        04H => find screen size
                   DE = Other parameters
     Results:       A = Error
                   DE = Other results

   This function  allows various  aspects of  file handles to be examined and
altered.  In particular  it can  be used  to determine  whether a file handle 
refers to  a disk file or a device. This is useful for programs which want to 
behave differently for disk files and device I/O.

   This function  is passed  the file handle in register B and a sub-function 
code  in register  A which specifies one of various different operations. Any 
other  parameters  required  by  the  particular  sub-function are  passed in 
register DE and results are returned in register DE. If the sub-function code 
is invalid then a ".ISBFN" error will be returned.

   If A=0 then the operation is "get file handle status". This returns a word 
of flags  which give various information about the file handle. The format of 
this  word is  different for  device file  handles and disk file handles, and 
bit-7 specifies which it is. The format of the word is as follows:

For devices:    DE -     b0  set  => console input device
                         b1  set  => console output device
                     b2..b4  reserved
                         b5  set  => ASCII mode
                             clear=> binary mode
                         b6  set  => end of file
                         b7  always set (=> device)
                    b8..b15  reserved 

For disk files: DE - b0..b5  drive number (0=A: etc)
                         b6  set  => end of file
                         b7  always clear (=> disk file)
                    b8..b15  reserved 

   Note  that the end of file flag is the same for devices as for disk files.
For devices  it will  be set  if the previous attempt to read from the device 
produced  a ".EOF" error and will be cleared by the next read. For disk files 
it is worked out by comparing the file pointer with the file size.

   If  A=1 then the operation is a "set ASCII/binary mode". This operation is 
only allowed  for device file handles. An ASCII/binary flag must be passed in 
bit-5  of  register  E  (exactly  where it  is returned  by "get  file handle 
status").  This is  set for  ASCII mode  and clear for binary mode. All other 
bits of register DE are ignored.

   If A=2  or 3  then the  operation is  "test input  ready" or  "test output 
ready"  respectively. In both cases a flag is returned in register E which is 
FFh if  the file  handle is  ready for  a character and 00h if not. The exact 
meaning  of "ready  for a character" depends on the device. Disk file handles 
are always  ready for  output, and are always ready for input unless the file 
pointer is at the end of file. The "CON" device checks the keyboard status to 
determine whether it is ready for input or not.

   If A=4  the the  operation is  "get screen size". This returns the logical 
screen size for the file handle with the number of rows in register D and the 
number  of columns  in register  E. For  devices with no screen size (such as 
disk  files)  both  D  and  E  will be  zero. Zero  for either  result should 
therefore be interpreted as "unlimited". For example this function is used by 
the "DIR  /W" command to decide how many files to print per line, and a value 
of zero for register E is defaulted to 80.


     Parameters:    C = 4CH (_HTEST)
                    B = File handle
                   DE = Drive/path/file ASCIIZ string
                                 or fileinfo block pointer
     Results:       A = Error
                    B = 00H => not the same file
                        FFH => same file

   This  rather  specialist function  is passed  a file  handle and  either a
drive/path/file  string  or  a  fileinfo block  which identifies  a file.  It 
determines if  the two  files are  actually the  same file and returns a flag 
indicating  the result.  Note that  if the file handle is for a device rather 
than a disk file then it will always return "B=00h" to indicate "not the same 

   This function allows the "COPY" command to detect certain error conditions 
such as  copying file  onto themselves  and give  the user  informative error 
messages.  It may  also be useful for other programs which need to do similar 


     Parameters:    C = 4DH (_DELETE) 
                   DE = Drive/path/file ASCIIZ string
                                or fileinfo block pointer
     Results:       A = Error

   This function  deletes the object (file or sub-directory) specified by the 
drive/path/file  string or the fileinfo block. Global filename characters are 
not  allowed  so only  one file  or sub-directory  can be  deleted with  this 
function. A  sub-directory can  only be  deleted if  it is  empty or an error 
(".DIRNE") occurs if not). The "." and ".." entries in a sub-directory cannot 
be  deleted (".DOT"  error) and neither can the root directory. A file cannot 
be deleted  if there  is a  file handle open to it (.FOPEN error) or if it is 
read only (.FILRO error).

   If  it is  a file  then any  disk space  which was allocated to it will be 
freed. If  the disk  is an MSX-DOS 2 disk then enough information is retained 
on  the disk  to allow the "UNDEL" utility program do undelete the file. This 
information is only retain ed until the next disk space allocation (usually a 
write to  a file) is done on this disk. After making this function call, if a 
fileinfo  block was passed then it must not be used again (other than passing 
it to  a "find  next entry"  function) since  the file  to which it refers no 
longer exists.

   If a device name such as "CON" is specified then no error will be returned 
but the device will not actually be deleted.


     Parameters:    C = 4EH (_RENAME) 
                   DE = Drive/path/file ASCIIZ string
                                or fileinfo block pointer
                   HL = New filename ASCIIZ string 
     Results:       A = Error

   This function  renames the object (file or sub-directory) specified by the 
drive/path/file string or the fileinfo block, with the new name in the string 
pointed  to by HL. The new filename string must not contain a drive letter or 
directory path  (".IFNM" error if it does). If a device name such as "CON" is 
specified  then no error will be returned but the device will not actually be 

   Global filename  characters are not allowed in the drive/path/file string, 
so  only one  object can be renamed by this function. However global filename 
characters are  allowed in the new filename passed in HL and where they occur 
the  existing filename  character will  be left unaltered. Checks are done to 
avoid creating an illegal filename, for example a file called "XYZ" cannot be 
renamed with  a new filename string of "????A" because the new filename would 
be "XYZ A" which is illegal. In this case a ".IFNM" error will be returned.

   If there is already an entry with the new filename then an error (".DUPF") 
is returned  to avoid  creating duplicate filenames. The "." and ".." entries 
in a sub-directory cannot be renamed (".IDOT" error) and neither can the root 
directory (it has noname). A file cannot be renamed if there is a file handle 
open to it (".FOPEN" error) although a read only file can be renamed.

   Note that  if DE pointed to a fileinfo block, this is not updated with the 
new  name of  the file.  Therefore care  must be  taken in using the fileinfo 
block after making this function call.


     Parameters:    C = 4FH (_MOVE) 
                   DE = Drive/path/file ASCIIZ string
                                or fileinfo block pointer
                   HL = New path ASCIIZ string 
     Results:       A = Error

   This  function moves  the object  (file or sub-directory) specified by the 
drive/path/file string  or the  fileinfo block, to the directory specified by 
the  new path  string pointed to by HL. There must not be a drive name in the 
new path  string. If  a device  name such as "CON" is specified then no error 
will be returned but the device will not actually be moved.

   Global filename  characters are  not allowed in any of the strings so only 
one object (file or sub-directory) can be moved by this function, although if 
a sub-directory is moved, all its descendants will be moved with it. If there 
is  already an  entry of  the required  name in  the target  directory then a 
".DUPF" error  is returned  to prevent  creating duplicate filenames. The "." 
and ".." entries in a sub-directory cannot be moved (".DOT" error) and also a 
directory  cannot be  moved into  one of  its own descendants (".DIRE" error) 
since this  would create an isolated loop in the filing system. A file cannot 
be moved if there is a file handle open to it (".FOPEN" error).

   Note  that if  a fileinfo  block is  passed to this function, the internal 
information in  the fileinfo block is not updated to reflect the new location 
of the file. This is necessary because otherwise the fileinfo block could not 
be used for a subsequent "find next" function call. However it does mean that 
the fileinfo block no longer refers to the moved file and so must not be used 
for any operations on it such as "rename" or "open".



