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January/February 2000
MSX Computer & Club Webmagazine
The introduction to this new Webmagazine! (Note: the title has nothing to do with the project Phoenix...)
Manuel Bilderbeek
Your editor in chief will tell you how we got to MCCW. Discover the real story behind MCCW and also learn something about the history of its parent(s). Thrill and suspense await you! Especially if you are not familiar with the Dutch MSX magazine scene...
Manuel Bilderbeek
In this new course Maarten will try to be a helpdesk for composers. He helps you to solve any musical problem. Not only concerning compositions, but also for specific sounddesign.
Maarten van Strien
Short news, small advertisements and the column of Parcellus can be found here. Would you like to have your TI-83 to communicate with your MSX? Let Laurens Holst tell you how to do this in a very easy and cheap way.
Laurens Holst
In this article the Spanish MSX group Matra Corporation, consisting of Miss Z-0, Madonna Mark Two and S.T.A.R., tells you about their visit to the Japanese MSX fair MSX World Expo ‘99. The article was originally written in Spanish by Miss Z-0, but was ‘rush-translated’ by Madonna Mark Two.
Miss Z-0/Madonna Mark Two
Finally a clear explanation of all the hidden Kanji-features of our MSX system. Find out what your plain MSX2 is capable of! Things you had never expected...
Albert Beevendorp
Wammes’ kolom [nl] Wammes vertelt wat er allemaal met je kan gebeuren op die o zo bekende rommelmarkten...
Wammes Witkop
23 steps to high resolution on MSX1 So you thought the MSX1 screenmodes are useless? Especially for cool stuff as demo’s? Let Antti Silvast of Bandwagon change your opinion about that! Part one of a big series!
Antti Silvast
Nawoord [nl] Een nawoord van Frank, die de zaken nog even op zijn manier wil toelichten.
Frank H. Druijff