[en] The LP keyboard interface
MCCW nummer 92, maart/april/mei 2000
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playing in assembly
Metal Gear save file faking

In this article Bas Wijnen explains you how you can fool around with the Metal Gear savegame files. It’s not only useful to learn how to cheat, but the assembly programmer may learn something from this also.

Bas Wijnen
How to read a save file?
The location of the data
Write your own save file
A table of values I found
What’s the use?

Some values found with the program
#002rank-1 (0-3)
#004weapon in hand (not necessarily in inventory)
#005item in hand (not necessarily in inventory)
#006previous room (what’s the use of this one?)
#007maximum energy
#008radio frequency in BCD
#00Acaptives counter, rank up at 5 (and counter resets to 0)
#012Type of bullet in hand (indeed, you can make a SMG bullet hit like a rocket)
#020Movement type
#022y coordinate of the player
#024x coordinate of the player
#040maximum bullets in BCD, 2 bytes/weapon, LSB first (0-999)
#050maximum equipment in BCD, 2 bytes/item, LSB first (0-999)
#090doors. 0 is open, 1 is closed. It is possible to close even lorries.
#140weapons: 4 bytes per weapon:
 +0 = weapon
 +1 = ammunition (2 bytes)
 +3 = unused
#1600 means the weapon is still on the map. 1 mens it isn’t
#168equipment:4 bytes per item:
 +0 = item
 +1 = amount (only for rations) (2 bytes)
 +1 = character in screen (only for cards)
 +3 = unused
#1D80 means the item is still on the map. 1 means it isn’t (some items are on multiple spots)
#229Shoot gunner. 0 means alive. 1 means dead. 2 means alive with his story told

Movement modes
1demo (no reaction on controls for a long time, later normal)
2in elevator (no up/down, block on left wall)
3no movement at all
4parachute (straight down)
5blowing on the rooftop of building no 1
6no up/down (ladders at the end)
7climbing (no left/right)

2sub machine gun
3grenade launcher
4rocket launcher
5plastic explosives
6land mine
7remote controlled missile

01body armour
02bomb blast suit
04infra red goggles
07mine detector
0Aoxygen cylinder (‘BOMBE’)
0Ecard 1
0Fcard 2
10card 3
11card 4
12card 5
13card 6
14card 7
15card 8
19cardboard box

There are many reasons for people to like computers. Playing games is one of them for many people. The feeling that you can finish the game, that you control it and can do everything that is possible with it, is very nice. Another reason to like computers is programming. People who like playing with code, changing it and making new parts to get what they want are called hackers. (Note the difference with crackers. Crackers are those hackers, who break through some sort of security with use of their coding skills.)

     Cheating has nothing to do with playing games. It’s hacking. If you want to cheat you have to think from the programmers point of view. Imagine you coded the program. Would it in any way be possible to do things that are not meant to be done? This article describes a method, which can always be used if the game uses save files. I shall only write about Metal Gear, but the method is the same for other games.

     I shall start with describing the methods for reading save files, finding the desired data — or actually, the location of the data to be changed — and writing the files back. I shall finish with some important locations that I have found.

How to read a save file?
Reading the save file is easy with Metal Gear. The first guess and hope that it is saved in a standard way seems to be incorrect, when reading the file from basic doesn’t find an end to it. When you try reading and writing the data, you will find that it is not possible to read more than 255 bytes and that writing 255 bytes is not enough to make a complete save file. This means that, as is usual when you are hacking, assembly language is needed.

     Let’s just stick to the assumption that it is saved in a standard way. If that is the case — and it seems to be so, since basic can open and read the first part of the file — then the bios routines can be used to read it. So let’s try to read the file and store it in memory:

ML-listing: READ.ASM

        DB    &HFE            ;Header to make it a .bin-file
        DW    &HC000
        DW    EIND
        DW    &HC000

READ:   EQU   &HE4

SIZ1:   EQU   &H11            ;so it breaks after the name
SIZ2:   EQU   &H0301          ;metal gear save file length
BUF1:   EQU   &HCF00
BUF2:   EQU   &HD000

        ORG   &HC000
        CALL  RDHDR           ;Read first header
        LD    DE,BUF1
        LD    HL,SIZ1
        LD    (MAXSIZ),HL
        CALL  RDTAP           ;Read file-name
        LD    (SIZE1),HL

;print filename to screen
        LD    HL,BUF1+10      ;offset:some bytes before actual name
        LD    B,6
LOOP2:  LD    A,(HL)
        PUSH  HL
        PUSH  BC
        CALL  CHPUT
        POP   BC
        POP   HL
        INC   HL
        DJNZ  LOOP2
        LD    A,13            ;add a return
        CALL  CHPUT
        LD    A,10
        CALL  CHPUT

        CALL  RDHDR
        LD    DE,BUF2
        LD    HL,SIZ2
        LD    (MAXSIZ),HL
        CALL  RDTAP
        LD    (SIZE2),HL

RDTAP:  LD    HL,0            ;actual tape-reading
        PUSH  DE
        CALL  READ
        POP   DE
        POP   HL
        JR    C,STOP
        LD    (DE),A
        INC   DE
        INC   HL
        LD    BC,(MAXSIZ)
        AND   A
        PUSH  HL
        SBC   HL,BC
        POP   HL
        JP    NZ,LOOP0

        PUSH  HL
        CALL  MOTOR
        POP   HL


MAXSIZ: DS    2               ;don't put variables in reserved (saved) memory

     But before we can read the data, we need to know how many bytes we have to read. Just experimenting with SIZE2 gave me &H301. If you run the program on your save file now, it will provide you with the data stored in BUF2. It is very easy to save it to disk, you can just use bsave.

The location of the data
What we want next, is changing the data in a way that it tells that we have all the weapons, energy, or something else. To find the location of the data, we need to make two save files, with only a few differences and compare them. For example, you make a save file in the elevator. You get out, fire exactly one shot and go in again, then you compare the two files. Luckily, the Metal Gear save files are not encryped. If they were, we had to crack the code as well. But now life is easy. Values that can be found rather easily are life, inventory, rank, radio frequency, location etc.

     It is possible to check the differeces by hand, but if you have a computer, you can just as well let it do the work. If you move one save file to &HD400 and another to &HD000, then the following code-fragment does the comparison:

ML-listing: CHECK.ASM

        DB    &HFE
        DW    &HC000
        DW    EIND
        DW    &HC000


COPY:   EQU   &HD400
SIZE:   EQU   &H0304

        ORG   &HC000
        LD    HL,BUFFER
        LD    DE,COPY
        LD    BC,SIZE

LOOP0:  LD    A,(DE)          ;check all bytes and print them if not equal
        CP    (HL)
        CALL  NZ,PRINT
        INC   HL
        INC   DE
        DEC   BC
        LD    A,B
        OR    C
        JP    NZ,LOOP0

PRINT:  LD    A,H             ;address
        CALL  PRTHEX
        LD    A,L
        CALL  PRTHEX
        CALL  PRTSPC
        LD    A,(HL)          ;byte 1
        CALL  PRTHEX
        CALL  PRTSPC
        LD    A,(DE)          ;byte 2
        CALL  PRTHEX
        PUSH  AF
        PUSH  DE
        PUSH  BC
        PUSH  HL
        LD    A,13            ;return
        CALL  CHPUT
        LD    A,10
        CALL  CHPUT
        POP   HL
        POP   BC
        POP   DE
        POP   AF

PRTSPC: PUSH  AF              ;print a space
        PUSH  BC
        PUSH  DE
        PUSH  HL
        LD    A," "
        CALL  CHPUT
        POP   HL
        POP   DE
        POP   BC
        POP   AF

PRTHEX: PUSH  HL              ;print a byte in hexadecimal
        PUSH  BC
        PUSH  DE
        PUSH  AF
        PUSH  AF
        LD    B,2
LOOP1:  AND   &H0F
        PUSH  BC
        ADD   A,"0"
        CP    "0"+10
        JR    C,SKIP0
        ADD   A,"A"-"0"-10
        POP   BC
        POP   AF
        DJNZ  LOOP1
        POP   DE
        POP   BC
        POP   HL

     If you tried to find the room, you probably compared the starting room and the first elevator and found that more than one byte has changed. One of them really is the room. Others are the room you came from, position on the screen and what I call the “movement mode”. This variable must be there because the allowed movements in the elevator and in a normal screen are totally different.

Write your own save file
When you write your own save files with data you didn’t find in known saves, but what you just guessed — where would room 50 be? — don’t be surprised if you hang the computer. It will never cause any permanent damage — it’s only software —, the game might just hang. But that shouldn’t bother you. Just try another value.

     Writing the save file must also be done in assembly language, too. That isn’t really hard anyway, so let’s just do it:

ML-listing: WRITE.ASM

        DB    &HFE
        DW    &HC000
        DW    EIND
        DW    &HC000

BUF1:   EQU   &HCF00
BUF2:   EQU   &HD000
SIZE1:  EQU   &HCEFC          ;make sure this is where read has stored them

        ORG   &HC000
        LD    A,1             ;long header
        CALL  WRHDR
        LD    HL,BUF1
        LD    DE,(SIZE1)
        CALL  WRTAP
        XOR   A               ;short header
        CALL  WRHDR
        LD    HL,BUF2
        LD    DE,(SIZE2)
        CALL  WRTAP
        XOR   A
        JP    MOTOR           ;This will return to the caller

        PUSH  DE
        LD    A,(HL)
        CALL  WRITE
        POP   DE
        POP   HL
        INC   HL
        DEC   DE
        LD    A,E
        OR    D
        JP    NZ,WRTAP


     Of course you should use this after you made your changes. If you want to be able to do it quick and you have two MSXs, you can connect them. One with the Metal Gear cartridge in it, the other running the code above or something similar. The signal must be ampilfied, for the record signal is not strong enough to be recognised by the other MSX. Just put a tape recorder in between to amplify the signal. This must not be an official computer tape recorder like the one Philips made. They don’t output the signal that they are recording, so that doesn’t work.

Figure 1: Connecting two MSXs with tape recorders

Set it to record and plug in the white plug from the Metal Gear computer and the red one from the other. Do the same with a second tape recorder and the other two plugs. The ‘motor on/off’ plugs don’t need to be connected. All connections are shown in figure 1. Make sure you give the load command before you give the save command. Load will wait for data, while save just starts writing straight away.

A table of values I found
With the above information you should be able to find all the values yourself, on the left there is a table of some values I found.

What’s the use?
Now the final question: why would you do all this? The entertainment of the game certainly doesn’t improve by cheating. Actually, the game is very boring if you cheat. So why would anyone want to cheat in games? One reason, which goes mostly for children, is that it is an easy way to finish the game. Just start with a large inventory in room #76 — where Metal Gear is — and you’ll be finishing within two minutes. If this was the reason you did it, you probably never do it again, since you’ll find this is not a very satisfying way of finishing the game.

     A very good reason to do it is what I mentioned at the start. You really control the game and you can do anything you want in it. That is what hacking is about in general: controlling the computer. Many people like playing games for that reason. For those people making a cheat in a game is fun. Not because they can cheat with it, but because the making is a puzzle by itself.

[en] The LP keyboard interface
MSX Computer & Club Webmagazine
nummer 92, maart/april/mei 2000
Wammes’ kolom