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MSX View functions
Onbekend, 00-00-00

<685                                                                    >
                Summary of MSX VIEW Functions

C.1 Function name summary
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
243             _absread()      read the used logic sector      496
107             _actioncntl()   displaying of controled actions 574
183             _arc()          arc painting (??)               431
80              _backwin()      transfers window to backside    394
365             _basename()     analysis of the anem of the 
                                bus (possession of the filename)511
367             _bdos()         performance of MSX-DOS2
                                system call                     513
130             _blcpixel()     entered point from to a block?? 415
129             _blcpoint()     possession of colorcode of the
                                upper block                     415
131             _blcread()      reading from block to memory    416
132             _blcwrite()     writing from memory to block    416
178             _box()          painting of a box, in the
                                middle empty                    429
198             _changecolor()  changing of the designated
                                color of the inside area        438
357             _chdir()        change of current directory     504
229             _chfile()       designation of current file     489
60              _chfont()       change of current font
371             _chkversion     check versionnumber of MSX View 515
245             _choice()       possession of diskformat
                                message                         496
312             _chpd()         change of printerdriver         624
50              _chpen()        change of current pen           402
140             _chrwidth()     possession of character width   454
269             _chtext()       change of current text          470
84              _chwin()        change of current window        396
36              _chwinker()     change of current winker        549
<686                            Appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
68              _clearrootbd()  area of the rootboot            399
76              _clearwin()     area of the window              392
108             _closecntl()    close of the control            575
259             _closedlg()     close of the dialogbox          595
294             _closeda()      close of DA menu                603
154             _closemenu()    close of the menu               588
390             _closevb()      close of the VRAM buffer        616
74              _closewin()     close of the window             391
411             _cmkfpath()     possession of the name of the
                                filepass of the used file       524
187             _colicon()      drawing of the icon dependent
                                of the designated color         433
192             _copy()         copy of the area                435
58              _createfont()   create font                     401
48              _createpen()    create pen                      400
265             _createtext()   create text                     467
72              _createwin()    create window                   390
34              _createwinker() create winker                   548
247             _currentfile()  possession of the current file  497
61              _currentfont()  possession of the current font  403
51              _currentpen()   possession of the current pen   402
268             _currenttext()  possession of the current text  469
85              _currentwin()   possession of the current
                                window                          396
39              _currentwinker()possession of the current
                                winker                          550
197             _curtain()      paint of an area (OR)           437
59              _deletefont()   delete font                     401
49              _deletepen()    delete pen                      401
267             _deletetext()   delete text                     469
75              _deletewin()    delete window                   392
35              _deletewinker() delete winker                   548
137             _dfont()        display 1 character             453
186             _dicon()        painting of icon                432
168             _direct()       designate of drawing area       425
364             _dirname()      analysis of pass-name
                                (possession of direct repass
                                 name)???                       510
105             _dispallcntl()  display of control of inside
                                arrangement                     573
104             _discntl()      display of control              573
266             _disptext()     display of in the boot
                                converted text                 468
138             _dkanji()       display 1 em kanji (??)         453
260             _dlgselect()    possession of the action of the
                                upper part of the dialog        596
410             _dosexec()      use of DOS command              606
139             _dpattern()     displaying of pattern           453
<C.1 FUNCTION NAME SUMMARY                                              687>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
112             _drivecntl()    direct call of controldriver    577
295             _drivesystem()  procedure of DA                 603
141             _dstr()         displaying of letter row        454
171             _endtest()      end of testmode                 427
301             _endview()      end of MSX VIEW                 604
93              _endzoom()      end of zoom                     398
196             _erase()        paint out of an area with the
                                designated color (??)           437
195             _erasearea()    paint out of area dependent on
                                the current pen                 437
373             _errmessage()   display a second message dialog
                                box                             598
251             _execute()      use of overlay module           499
393             _execute2()     use of overlay module (optional
                                file)                           523
253             _exitmodule()   compulsionary end of
                                overlaymodule or childprogram   500
241             _falloc()       possession of filebuffer        495
225             _fclose()       close of file                   487
226             _fcreate()      making of a new file            488
366             _fcreate2()     makinf of a new file(this is 
                                the designated attribute)       512
227             _fdelete()      deletion of a file              488
238             _ferror()       possession of the errorcode     493
362             _ffirst()       reference of the first entry    508
387             _fflush()       fulsh of the diskbuffer         522
242             _ffree()        release of the filebuffer       495
376             _fgetattr()     possession of the attribute
                                of the file                     516
378             _fegtftime()    possesion of time and date      517
380             _fhdelete()     deletion of filehandler         518
383             _fhgetattr()    possession of the attribute of
                                the filehandler                 520
385             _fhgetftime()   possession of time and date of
                                the filehandler                 521
382             _fhmove()       transfer of filehandler         519
381             _fhrename()     change of the name of the
                                filehandler                     519
384             _fhsetattr()    creation of attribute of
                                filehandler                     520
386             _fhsettime()    creation of time and date of
                                filehandler                     521
182             _filloval       drawing of the middle of the
                                oval                            430
185             _fillpai()      drawing of the middle of the
                                fanshape (??)                   432
190             _fillpolygon()  drawing of the middle of the
                                polygon                         434
180             _fillround()    drawing of the middle of the
                                roundcornered square            430
111             _findcntl()     reference of the designated
                                coordinates control (??)        576
103             _findpart()     possession of partnumber        572
<688                            Appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
83              _findwin()      posseesion of the windowhandler 395
17              _flushevents()  clear of eventqueue             543
284             _flushjsystem() cancel of kanjiconversion       475
300             _fmenu()        selection of a file             503
375             _fmove()        transfer of a file              515
370             _fnew()         reference of the latest entry   514
223             _fnext()        reference of the next file      486
363             _fnext2()       reference of next entry         509
64              _fontadrs()     possession of the font address  405
224             _fopen()        opening of a file               487
246             _format()       format of the disk              497
415             _fpathnext()    reference of file from the
                                plural bus (??)                 526
414             _fpathset()     creation of the reference of
                                the file from the plural bus(??)525
236             _fpoint()       possession of the filepointer   492
177             _frame()        drawing of a square             429
194             _framearea()    drawing of the round cornered
                                square to the wanted area       436
233             _fread()        reading of the current file     491
305             _free()         release of the memory block     615
122             _freeblc()      release of a block              413
120             _freelot()      release of the lot              413
228             _frename()      change of filename, directory
                                name                            489
79              _frontwin()     transfer of the frontwindow     393
235             _fseek()        creation of the filepointer     492
222             _fset()         reference of the file           485
377             _fsetattr()     creation of the attribute of
                                a file                          516
379             _fsettime()     creation of time and date of
                                the file                        518
237             _fsize()        possession of the filesize      493
232             _fwrite()       writing of the current file     491
288             _getalphkey()   possession of function keys     610
30              _getareanumber()possession of the area where
                                cursor is                       546
124             _getblc()       displaying from a block to the
                                screen                          417
16              _getcoord()     possession of the cursor
                                coordinates                     542
358             _getcwd()       possession of the current
                                winkerdirectory                 504
308             _getdate()      possession of the date
66              _getdeffont()   possession of default font      406
56              _getdefpen()    possession of the default pen   406
22              _getdevice()    possession of the pointing
                                deveice                         544
<C.1 FUNCTION NAME SUMMARY                                              689>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
221             _getdiskinfo()  possession of the diskinfo      484
291             _getdrive()     possession of the defaultdrive  483
12              _getevent()     possession of the event info    541
220             _getfileinfo()  possession of file info         483
135             _getfontpat()   possession of font pattern      452
289             _getjekeyfunc() possession of function codes    610
146             _getjispat()    reading of the fontpattern
                                dependent of the JIS code       455
286             _getkeyfunc()   possession of the function code 607
19              _getkeyinfo()   possession ofthe state of the
                                keyboard                        543
292             _getkeymap()    possesion of the keymap         611
360             _getlogin()     possession of the log-in
                                circumstances of the drive      505
5               _getpalette()   possession of the palette       440
27              _gtepatnumber() possession of the current cursor545
173             _getrub()       possession of the rubberband
                                color                           427
388             _getscreenmode()possession of the screenmode    407
310             _gettime()      possession of the time          605
77              _getwininfo()   possession of the window info   392
88              _gtol()         change from global coordinaes
                                to local coordinates            397
44              _hide()         hide of the ??                  551
157             _hilite()       highlite of menu item           589
188             _index()        drawing of only the upper part
                                of the round cornered square    433
118             _initblc()      initialization of the bitblock
                                manager                         412
98              _initcntl()     initialization of the control
                                manager                         571
21              _initcursor()   initialization of the cursor    544
257             _initdlg()      initialization of the dialogbox 595
10              _initevent()    initialization of the event
                                manager                         541
240             _initfalloc()   initialization of the
                                fileallocation                  494
147             _initffile()    initialization of the font file
                                access                          455
133             _initfont()     initialization of the fontpack  451
57              _initfinthandle() initialization of the
                                fonthandler                     400
166             _initgraf()     initialization of the graphpack 425
285             _initkeymap()   initialization of the keymap
                                manager                         607
303             _initmemory()   initialization of the memory
                                manager                         614
150             _initmenu()     initialization of the menu
                                manager                         587
248             _initoverlay()  initialization of the overlay
                                manager                         498
47              _initpenhd()    initialization of the pen 
                                handler                         399
311             _initprint()    initialization of the printer
                                manager                         624
<690                            appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
217             _initres()      initialization of the resource
                                manager                         482
264             _inittexthd()   initialization of the text
                                handler                         467
71              _initwin()      initialization of the window
                                manager                         389
33              _initwinker     initialization of winker        547
279             _inserttext()   insertion of a letter-row       474
158             _ismenu()       test of the event of a
                                internal menu (??)              590
32              _jobcursor()    creation of a jobcursor         547
252             _jump()         starting of a MSXView
                                application                     500
156             _keymenu()      procedure for shortcutkey(??)   589
160             _keypopup()     shortcutkey of popup menu       591
29              _killareacursor() deletion of area where the
                                cursor is (??)                  546
26              _killpatcursor()deletion of the cursorpointer   545
136             _knjwidth()     possession of the width of
                                em (??) letters                 452
176             _line()         drawing of a line               428
275             _locatetext()   transfer of the textcursor      473
89              _ltog()         change from local coordinates
                                to global coordinates           397
306             _malloc()       possession of a memoryblock     615
287             _mapcntlkey()   mapping of the functioncode     608
263             _message()      displaying of the message
                                dialog box                      597
359             _mkdir()        making of a directory           505
361             _mkfpath()      possession of the name of the
                                fullest bus (??)                506
261             _modaldlg()     possession of the action of a
                                modal dialog                    596
256             _modulevalue()  possession of the return value
                                from a overlay module or
                                childprogram                    502
193             _move()         transfer of an area             435
297             _moveframe()    transfer of an area             436
174             _movepen()      transfer of the pen             428
90              _movepopup()    creation of the location of the
                                popup window                    399
81              _movewin()      transfer of the position of
                                the window                      394
239             _msxdos()       use of a msxdos2 system call    494
121             _newblc()       possession of a new block       413
119             _newlot()       assigning of a new lot          412
109             _openallcntl()  opening of all inside arranged
                                controls                        575
102             _opencntl()     open a control                  572
258             _opendlg()      display of a dialogbox          595
293             _openda()       opening of the DA menu          603
153             _openmenu()     opening of a menu               587
<C.1 FUNCTION NAME SUMMARY                                              691>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
389             _openvb()       open VRAM buffer                615
73              _openwin()      open a window                   391
181             _oval()         draw a oval                     430
184             _pai()          draw a fan shape (??)           431
368             _pcmplay()      play PCM                        612
369             _pcmrec()       record PCM                      612
314             _pd()           starting of the printerdriver   625
54              _penadrs()      possession of the pen info      404
201             _pixel()        possession of the colorcode     439
189             _polygon()      drawing of a polygon            433
231             _popfile()      return of the current file      490
63              _pofont()       return of the font              404
53              _poppen()       return of the current pen       403
271             _poptext()      return of the text              471
262             _popupdlg()     possession of the action of
                                displaying of the popup dialog  597
87              _popwin()       return of the current window    397
38              _popwinker()    return of the current winker    549
313             _printinfo()    possession of the printer info  624
175             _pset()         drawing of point                428
230             _pushfile()     storage of the current file,
                                followed by the changing of it  490
62              _pushfont()     storage of the current font,
                                followed by the changing of it  404
52              _pushpen()      storage of the current pen,
                                folowed by the changing of it   403
270             _pushtext()     storage of the current text,
                                followed by the changing of it  470
86              _pushwin()      storage of the current window
                                followed by the changing of it  396
37              _pushwinker()   storage of the current winker
                                followed by the changing of it  549
123             _putblc()       storage to a block              417
13              _putevent()     addition of eventinfo to the
                                eventqueue                      541
6               _rd_sysdata()   reading of the systemdata       602
202             _readbit()      reading the colorcode of an
                                internal area                   439
148             _readgaiji()    reading from a 'gaiji'-file     455
392             _readvb()       reading from the VRAM buffer    617
278             _redisptext()   display text again              468
65              _renewfont()    renewal of the font             405
55              _renewpen()     renewal of the pen              405
126             _resizeblc()    change of the blocksize         418
82              _resizewin()    change the size of the window   395
128             _restoreblc()   taking of a picture from a block414

<692                            appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
199             _reverse()      painting of an area (XOR)       438
179             _round()        drawing of a round cornered
                                square                          429
200             _roundarea()    the drawing of the round
                                cornered square to the wanted
                                area                            439
304             _sbrk()         possession of the memory block  614
2               _screen()       creation of the screen mode     406
374             _screensize()   possession of the screen size   407
191             _scroll()       scolling of the interior area   434
277             _scrolltext()   scrollprocedure                 474
155             _selectmenu()   procedure for menu item
                                selection                       588
159             _selectpopup()  procedure of popup menu         590
28              _setareacursor()change of the vaild cursor
                                positions                       546
101             _setcntl()      assignment of custom control    571
276             _setcursor()    transfer of the tekstcursor in
                                the buffer                      473
307             _setdate()      creation of the date            604
20              _setdeveice()   creation of a pointing deveice  544
218             _setdrive()     creation of default drive       482
134             _setfont()      change of fontstyle             451
18              _setkeyinfo()   creation of the state of the
                                keyboard                        543
291             _setkeymap()    creation of the keymap          610
4               _setpalette()   creation of the palette         440
25              _setpatcursor() change of the cursor pattern    545
167             _setpen()       creation of the pen             425
172             _setrub()       end of commencement of
                                rubberband mode                 427
280             _settextcursor()creation of the text location   475
309             _settime()      creation of the time            605
78              _setwininfo()   change of the window            393
43              _show()         display the cursor              550
372             _showtitle()    display of the title            605
416             _signal()       creation of routine for a
                                physical error(??)              526
14              _snsevent()     check for an event occurence    542
127             _storeblc()     storage of a picture from a
                                block                           414
142             _strwidth()     possesion of the width of a
                                letter row                      454
125             _swapblc()      exchange of the picture between
                                the inside block and the screen 418
45              _sync()         wait for the next sync (???)    551
254             _system()       starting of a childprogram      501
31              _systemcursor() creation of the systemcursor    547
170             _testarea()     ??                              426
<C.1 FUNCTION NAME SUMMARY                                              693>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
110             _testcntl()     the reference of theoptional
                                location involved in the
                                control (??)                    576
169             _testpos()      ??                              426
272             _textadrs()     possession of the text location 471
274             _texteditfunc() use of the editingfunction      472
106             _trackcntl()    use of the control              574
15              _ungetevent()   return of the event info to the
                                eventqueu                       542
40              _winkeradrs()   possesion of the winker info    550
1               _wr_sysdata     writing of the systemdata       602
203             _writebit()     writing the colorcode to the
                                area                            440
273             _writetext()    editing of the text             472
391             _writevb()      writing to the VRAM buffer      616
91              _zoom()         zoom of an area                 398
92              _zoomwin()      zoom of a window                398
<694                            appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
C.2 Function number summary
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
1               _wr_sysdata     writing of the systemdata       602
2               _screen()       creation of the screen mode     406
4               _setpalette()   creation of the palette         440
5               _getpalette()   possession of the palette       440
6               _rd_sysdata()   reading of the systemdata       602
10              _initevent()    initialization of the event
                                manager                         541
12              _getevent()     possession of the event info    541
13              _putevent()     addition of eventinfo to the
                                eventqueue                      541
14              _snsevent()     check for an event occurence    542
15              _ungetevent()   return of the event info to the
                                eventqueu                       542
16              _getcoord()     possession of the cursor
                                coordinates                     542
17              _flushevents()  clear of eventqueue             543
18              _setkeyinfo()   creation of the state of the
                                keyboard                        543
19              _getkeyinfo()   possession ofthe state of the
                                keyboard                        543
20              _setdeveice()   creation of a pointing deveice  544
21              _initcursor()   initialization of the cursor    544
22              _getdevice()    possession of the pointing
                                deveice                         544
25              _setpatcursor() change of the cursor pattern    545
26              _killpatcursor()deletion of the cursorpointer   545
27              _gtepatnumber() possession of the current cursor545
28              _setareacursor()change of the vaild cursor
                                positions                       546
29              _killareacursor() deletion of area where the
                                cursor is (??)                  546
30              _getareanumber()possession of the area where
                                cursor is                       546
31              _systemcursor() creation of the systemcursor    547
32              _jobcursor()    creation of a jobcursor         547
33              _initwinker     initialization of winker        547
34              _createwinker() create winker                   548
35              _deletewinker() delete winker                   548
36              _chwinker()     change of current winker        549
37              _pushwinker()   storage of the current winker
                                followed by the changing of it  549
38              _popwinker()    return of the current winker    549
39              _currentwinker()possession of the current
                                winker                          550
40              _winkeradrs()   possesion of the winker info    550
43              _show()         display the cursor              550
44              _hide()         hide of the ??                  551
45              _sync()         wait for the next sync (???)    551
<C.2 FUNCTION NUMBER SUMMARY                                            695>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
47              _initpenhd()    initialization of the pen
                                handler                         399
48              _createpen()    create pen                      400
49              _deletepen()    delete pen                      401
50              _chpen()        change of current pen           402
51              _currentpen()   possession of the current pen   402
52              _pushpen()      storage of the current pen,
                                folowed by the changing of it   403
53              _poppen()       return of the current pen       403
54              _penadrs()      possession of the pen info      404
55              _renewpen()     renewal of the pen              405
56              _getdefpen()    possession of the default pen   406
57              _initfinthandle() initialization of the
                                fonthandler                     400
58              _createfont()   create font                     401
59              _deletefont()   delete font                     401
60              _chfont()       change of current font          402
61              _currentfont()  possession of the current font  403
62              _pushfont()     storage of the current font,
                                followed by the changing of it  404
63              _pofont()       return of the font              404
64              _fontadrs()     possession of the font address  405
65              _renewfont()    renewal of the font             405
66              _getdeffont()   possession of default font      406
68              _clearrootbd()  area of the rootboot            399
71              _initwin()      initialization of the window
                                manager                         389
72              _createwin()    create window                   390
73              _openwin()      open a window                   391
74              _closewin()     close of the window             391
75              _deletewin()    delete window                   392
76              _clearwin()     area of the window              392
77              _getwininfo()   possession of the window info   392
78              _setwininfo()   change of the window            393
79              _frontwin()     transfer of the frontwindow     393
80              _backwin()      transfers window to backside    394
81              _movewin()      transfer of the position of
                                the window                      394
82              _resizewin()    change the size of the window   395
83              _findwin()      posseesion of the windowhandler 395
84              _chwin()        change of current window        396
85              _currentwin()   possession of the current
                                window                          396
86              _pushwin()      storage of the current window
                                followed by the changing of it  396
87              _popwin()       return of the current window    397
<696                            appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
88              _gtol()         change from global coordinaes
                                to local coordinates            397
89              _ltog()         change from local coordinates
                                to global coordinates           397
90              _movepopup()    creation of the location of the
                                popup window                    399
91              _zoom()         zoom of an area                 398
92              _zoomwin()      zoom of a window                398
93              _endzoom()      end of zoom                     398
98              _initcntl()     initialization of the control
                                manager                         571
101             _setcntl()      assignment of custom control    571
102             _opencntl()     open a control                  572
103             _findpart()     possession of partnumber        572
104             _discntl()      display of control              573
105             _dispallcntl()  display of control of inside
                                arrangement                     573
106             _trackcntl()    use of the control              574
107             _actioncntl()   displaying of controled actions 574
108             _closecntl()    close of the control            575
109             _openallcntl()  opening of all inside arranged
                                controls                        575
110             _testcntl()     the reference of theoptional
                                location involved in the
                                control (??)                    576
111             _findcntl()     reference of the designated
                                coordinates control (??)        576
112             _drivecntl()    direct call of controldriver    577
118             _initblc()      initialization of the bitblock
                                manager                         412
119             _newlot()       assigning of a new lot          412
120             _freelot()      release of the lot              413
121             _newblc()       possession of a new block       413
122             _freeblc()      release of a block              413
123             _putblc()       storage to a block              417
124             _getblc()       displaying from a block to the
                                screen                          417
125             _swapblc()      exchange of the picture between
                                the inside block and the screen 418
126             _resizeblc()    change of the blocksize         418
127             _storeblc()     storage of a picture from a
                                block                           414
128             _restoreblc()   taking of a picture from a block414
129             _blcpoint()     possession of colorcode of the
                                upper block                     415
130             _blcpixel()     entered point from to a block?? 415
131             _blcread()      reading from block to memory    416
132             _blcwrite()     writing from memory to block    416
133             _initfont()     initialization of the fontpack  451
134             _setfont()      change of fontstyle             451
135             _getfontpat()   possession of font pattern      452
<C.2 FUNCTION NUMBER SUMMARY                                            697>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
136             _knjwidth()     possession of the width of
                                em (??) letters                 452
137             _dfont()        display 1 character             453
138             _dkanji()       display 1 em kanji (??)         453
139             _dpattern()     displaying of pattern           453
140             _chrwidth()     possession of character width   454
141             _dstr()         displaying of letter row        454
142             _strwidth()     possesion of the width of a
                                letter row                      454
146             _getjispat()    reading of the fontpattern
                                dependent of the JIS code       455
147             _initffile()    initialization of the font file
                                access                          455
148             _readgaiji()    reading from a 'gaiji'-file     455
150             _initmenu()     initialization of the menu
                                manager                         587
153             _openmenu()     opening of a menu               587
154             _closemenu()    close of the menu               588
155             _selectmenu()   procedure for menu item
                                selection                       588
156             _keymenu()      procedure for shortcutkey(??)   589
157             _hilite()       highlite of menu item           589
158             _ismenu()       test of the event of a
                                internal menu (??)              590
159             _selectpopup()  procedure of popup menu         590
160             _keypopup()     shortcutkey of popup menu       591
166             _initgraf()     initialization of the graphpack 425
167             _setpen()       creation of the pen             425
168             _direct()       designate of drawing area       425
169             _testpos()      ??                              426
170             _testarea()     ??                              426
171             _endtest()      end of testmode                 427
172             _setrub()       end of commencement of
                                rubberband mode                 427
173             _getrub()       possession of the rubberband
                                color                           427
174             _movepen()      transfer of the pen             428
175             _pset()         drawing of point                428
176             _line()         drawing of a line               428
177             _frame()        drawing of a square             429
178             _box()          painting of a box, in the
                                middle empty                    429
179             _round()        drawing of a round cornered
                                square                          429
180             _fillround()    drawing of the middle of the
                                roundcornered square            430
181             _oval()         draw a oval                     430
182             _filloval       drawing of the middle of the
                                oval                            430
<698                            appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
183             _arc()          arc painting (??)               431
184             _pai()          draw a fan shape (??)           431
185             _fillpai()      drawing of the middle of the
                                fanshape (??)                   432
186             _dicon()        painting of icon                432
187             _colicon()      drawing of the icon dependent
                                of the designated color         433
188             _index()        drawing of only the upper part
                                of the round cornered square    433
189             _polygon()      drawing of a polygon            433
190             _fillpolygon()  drawing of the middle of the
                                polygon                         434
191             _scroll()       scolling of the interior area   434
192             _copy()         copy of the area                435
193             _move()         transfer of an area             435
194             _framearea()    drawing of the round cornered
                                square to the wanted area       436
195             _erasearea()    paint out of area dependent on
                                the current pen                 437
196             _erase()        paint out of an area with the
                                designated color (??)           437
197             _curtain()      paint of an area (OR)           437
198             _changecolor()  changing of the designated
                                color of the inside area        438
199             _reverse()      painting of an area (XOR)       438
200             _roundarea()    the drawing of the round
                                cornered square to the wanted
                                area                            439
201             _pixel()        possession of the colorcode     439
202             _readbit()      reading the colorcode of an
                                internal area                   439
203             _writebit()     writing the colorcode to the
                                area                            440
217             _initres()      initialization of the resource
                                manager                         482
218             _setdrive()     creation of default drive       482
220             _getfileinfo()  possession of file info         483
221             _getdiskinfo()  possession of the diskinfo      484
222             _fset()         reference of the file           485
223             _fnext()        reference of the next file      486
224             _fopen()        opening of a file               487
225             _fclose()       close of file                   487
226             _fcreate()      making of a new file            488
227             _fdelete()      deletion of a file              488
228             _frename()      change of filename, directory
                                name                            489
229             _chfile()       designation of current file     489
230             _pushfile()     storage of the current file,
                                followed by the changing of it  490
231             _popfile()      return of the current file      490
232             _fwrite()       writing of the current file     491
233             _fread()        reading of the current file     491
<C.2 FUNCTION NUMBER SUMMARY                                            699>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
235             _fseek()        creation of the filepointer     492
236             _fpoint()       possession of the filepointer   492
237             _fsize()        possession of the filesize      493
238             _ferror()       possession of the errorcode     493
239             _msxdos()       use of a msxdos2 system call    494
240             _initfalloc()   initialization of the
                                fileallocation                  494
241             _falloc()       possession of filebuffer        495
242             _ffree()        release of the filebuffer       495
243             _absread()      read the used logic sector      496
245             _choice()       possession of diskformat
                                message                         496
246             _format()       format of the disk              497
247             _currentfile()  possession of the current file  497
248             _initoverlay()  initialization of the overlay
                                manager                         498
251             _execute()      use of overlay module           499
252             _jump()         starting of a MSXView
                                application                     500
253             _exitmodule()   compulsionary end of
                                overlaymodule or childprogram   500
254             _system()       starting of a childprogram      501
256             _modulevalue()  possession of the return value
                                from a overlay module or
                                childprogram                    502
257             _initdlg()      initialization of the dialogbox 595
258             _opendlg()      display of a dialogbox          595
259             _closedlg()     close of the dialogbox          595
260             _dlgselect()    possession of the action of the
                                upper part of the dialog        596
261             _modaldlg()     possession of the action of a
                                modal dialog                    596
262             _popupdlg()     possession of the action of
                                displaying of the popup dialog  597
263             _message()      displaying of the message
                                dialog box                      597
264             _inittexthd()   initialization of the text
                                handler                         467
265             _createtext()   create text                     467
266             _disptext()     display of in the boot
                                converted text                  468
267             _deletetext()   delete text                     469
268             _currenttext()  possession of the current text  469
269             _chtext()       change of current text          470
270             _pushtext()     storage of the current text,
                                followed by the changing of it  470
271             _poptext()      return of the text              471
272             _textadrs()     possession of the text location 471
273             _writetext()    editing of the text             472
<700                            appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
274             _texteditfunc() use of the editingfunction      472
275             _locatetext()   transfer of the textcursor      473
276             _setcursor()    transfer of the tekstcursor in
                                the buffer                      473
277             _scrolltext()   scrollprocedure                 474
278             _redisptext()   display text again              468
279             _inserttext()   insertion of a letter-row       474
280             _settextcursor()creation of the text location   475
284             _flushjsystem() cancel of kanjiconversion       475
285             _initkeymap()   initialization of the keymap
                                manager                         607
286             _getkeyfunc()   possession of the function code 607
287             _mapcntlkey()   mapping of the functioncode     608
288             _getalphkey()   possession of function keys     610
289             _getjekeyfunc() possession of function codes    610
291             _getdrive()     possession of the defaultdrive  483
291             _setkeymap()    creation of the keymap          610
292             _getkeymap()    possesion of the keymap         611
293             _openda()       opening of the DA menu          603
294             _closeda()      close of DA menu                603
295             _drivesystem()  procedure of DA                 603
297             _moveframe()    transfer of an area             436
300             _fmenu()        selection of a file             503
301             _endview()      end of MSX VIEW                 604
303             _initmemory()   initialization of the memory
                                manager                         614
304             _sbrk()         possession of the memory block  614
305             _free()         release of the memory block     615
306             _malloc()       possession of a memoryblock     615
307             _setdate()      creation of the date            604
308             _getdate()      possession of the date          604
309             _settime()      creation of the time            605
310             _gettime()      possession of the time          605
311             _initprint()    initialization of the printer
                                manager                         624
312             _chpd()         change of printerdriver         624
313             _printinfo()    possession of the printer info  624
314             _pd()           starting of the printerdriver   625
357             _chdir()        change of current directory     504
358             _getcwd()       possession of the current
                                winkerdirectory                 504
359             _mkdir()        making of a directory           505
360             _getlogin()     possession of the log-in
                                circumstances of the drive      505
<C.2 FUNCTION NUMBER SUMMARY                                            701>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
361             _mkfpath()      possession of the name of the
                                fullest bus (??)                506
362             _ffirst()       reference of the first entry    508
363             _fnext2()       reference of next entry         509
364             _dirname()      analysis of pass-name
                                (possession of direct repass
                                 name)???                       510
365             _basename()     analysis of the anem of the
                                 bus (possession of the filename)511
366             _fcreate2()     makinf of a new file(this is
                                the designated attribute)       512
367             _bdos()         performance of MSX-DOS2
                                system call                     513
368             _pcmplay()      play PCM                        612
369             _pcmrec()       record PCM                      612
370             _fnew()         reference of the latest entry   514
371             _chkversion     check versionnumber of MSX View 515
372             _showtitle()    display of the title            605
373             _errmessage()   display a second message dialog
                                box                             598
374             _screensize()   possession of the screen size   407
375             _fmove()        transfer of a file              515
376             _fgetattr()     possession of the attribute
                                of the file                     516
377             _fsetattr()     creation of the attribute of
                                a file                          516
378             _fegtftime()    possesion of time and date      517
379             _fsettime()     creation of time and date of
                                the file                        518
380             _fhdelete()     deletion of filehandler         518
381             _fhrename()     change of the name of the
                                filehandler                     519
382             _fhmove()       transfer of filehandler         519
383             _fhgetattr()    possession of the attribute of
                                the filehandler                 520
384             _fhsetattr()    creation of attribute of
                                filehandler                     520
385             _fhgetftime()   possession of time and date of
                                the filehandler                 521
386             _fhsettime()    creation of time and date of
                                filehandler                     521
387             _fflush()       fulsh of the diskbuffer         522
388             _getscreenmode()possession of the screenmode    407
389             _openvb()       open VRAM buffer                615
390             _closevb()      close of the VRAM buffer        616
391             _writevb()      writing to the VRAM buffer      616
392             _readvb()       reading from the VRAM buffer    617
393             _execute2()     use of overlay module (optional
                                file)                           523
410             _dosexec()      use of DOS command              606
411             _cmkfpath()     possession of the name of the
                                filepass of the used file       524
<702                            appendix C summary of MSX VIEW functions>
function nr     name            meaning                         page nr
414             _fpathset()     creation of the reference of
                                the file from the plural bus(??)525
415             _fpathnext()    reference of file from the
                                plural bus (??)                 526
416             _signal()       creation of routine for a
                                physical error(??)              526
¡attention¡ : The functionumbers that are empty are system reservated 
---------   functions. It can't be assured that in case of calling those 
              system reservated functions will have any effect.



