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Fred Gutman, 05-06-79

           From "EDN" magazine, June 5, 1979, page 84

                         by Fred Gutman
            California Microwave, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA

Communications  and magnetic-storage controllers often use cyclic 
redundancy checking (CRC) to enhance data-transmission  accuracy; 
this method's popularity is due, in part, to its easy implementa-
tion  with shift registers and exclusive-OR gates (EDN,  Sept  5, 
1978, pgs 119-123).

  Many  software methods can emulate this hardware mechanization.  
The more natural software method discussed here directly executes 
the division of a message by a generating polynomial. An example, 
programmed on the 8080, appears in the figure.

  CRC  divides  a  message M(x) of any  length  by  a  generating 
polynomial  P(x)  to form a quotient Q(x) and a  remainder  R(x): 
M(x)/P(x)=Q(x)+R(x).  R(x) is appended to the message and checked 
at  the receiving end of the communication channel or upon  read-
back of magnetic-storage information.

  In  these operations,  addition and division are based  on  the 
exclusive-OR function without carry;  only bit-by-bit differences 
are  important,  not  their arithmetic  sum.   Thus,  while  this 
process resembles nonrestoring binary division, its mechanization 
is  somewhat  simpler.   Note  that you don't have to  store  the 
quotient - the remainder is the only useful part.  This versatile 
method  accepts  different generating  polynomials  (table);  you 
simply insert them into the routine in the figure.  In each case, 
an  R-bit remainder is left in location REM for  transmission  or 
checking.  (R is the order of the generating polynomial.)


         POLYNOMIAL                MASK         HEX FORM

CR16:  x16+x15+x2+1                H=128          8005
SDLC:  x16+x12+x5+1                H=128          1021
CCITT: x16+x15+x10+x6+x5+1         H=128          8461
       x16+x15+x13+x7+x4+x2+x+1    H=128          A097
HDLC:  x14+x2+x+1                  H=128          4007
       x8+x7+x2+1                  L=128          0185
CR12:  x12+x11+x3+x2+x+1           H=8            180F
BCC:   x8+1                        L=128          0101
CR16 REVERSE: x15+x14+x+1          H=128          4003
CCIT REVERSE: x16+x11+x4+1         H=128          0811
              x8+x7+x5+x4+1        L=128          01B1


011F         MESS    DS    1
0120 0000    REM     DW    0
0122         DIVP    LHLD  REM   ;REMAINDER
0125 7C              MOV   A,H
0126 E680            ANI   128   ;Q-BIT MASK SEE TABLE
0128 F5              PUSH  PSW   ;SAVE STATUS
0129 29              DAD   H     ;2 X R(X)
012A 3A1F01          LDA   MESS  ;MESSAGE BIT IN LSB
012D 85              ADD   L
012E 6F              MOV   L,A
012F F1              POP   PSW
0130 CA3B01          JZ    $+11  ;IF Q-BIT IS ZERO
0133 7C      QB      MOV   A,H
0134 EE10            XRI   10H   ;MS HALF OF GEN. POLY
0136 67              MOV   H,A
0137 7D              MOV   A,L
0138 EE21            XRI   21H   ;LS HALF
013A 6F              MOV   L,A
013B 222001          SHLD  REM
013E C9              RET
013F                 END   100H

An   8080  routine  for  generating   a   cyclic-redundancy-check 
character leaves that character in location REM.




