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MSX-DOS 2.20 functions index
ASCII, 01-09-94

                      M S X -- D O S   v e r s i o n  2

                  The advanced disk operating system
                         for MSX 2 computers

   This  manual describes  in detail  the MSX-DOS  function calls provided by
MSX-DOS version 2.20


   This document describes in detail each of the MSX-DOS 2 function calls. It 
should  be read  in conjunction  with the  "Program Interface  specification" 
which describes  system features  such as  file handles,  fileinfo blocks and 
environment strings in general terms.

   There are  two ways  of doing  MSX-DOS function  calls, reflecting the two 
different  environments (MSX-DOS and disk BASIC) in which the system can run. 
Transient  programs  running  in  the  MSX-DOS  environment  must  access the 
functions with a "CALL 00005h" instruction. Disk BASIC and other MSX programs 
running  in  the disk  BASIC environment  (usually executing  from ROM)  must 
access the system via a "CALL 0F37Dh" instruction.

   There   are  some   limitations  when   calling  the  system  via  0F37Dh, 
particularly to do with error handling and abort routines. Also no parameters 
may be passed in page-1, unless they are in the master disk ROM (as they will 
be for  disk BASIC)  since the master disk ROM will be paged into page-1 when 
such  a function  call is  made. The individual function descriptions mention 
the differences for particular functions.


   Below there  is a  complete list  of the  functions calls. "CPM" indicates 
that the function is compatible with the equivalent CP/M 2.2 function, "MSX1" 
indicates  compatibility  with  MSX-DOS  version  1,  and  "NEW" indicates  a 
function  which is  new to  this system. An asterisk ("*") indicates that the 
function may  be safely  called from  a user disk error routine (see function 
64h and function 70h).

List of MSX-DOS 2 Function Calls

CPM MSX1  00h -  Program terminate
     CPM MSX1* 01h -  Console input
     CPM MSX1* 02h -  Console output
     CPM MSX1* 03h -  Auxiliary input
     CPM MSX1* 04h -  Auxiliary output
     CPM MSX1* 05h -  Printer output
     CPM MSX1* 06h -  Direct console I/O
         MSX1* 07h -  Direct console input
         MSX1* 08h -  Console input without echo
     CPM MSX1* 09h -  String output
     CPM MSX1* 0Ah -  Buffered line input
     CPM MSX1* 0Bh -  Console status
     CPM MSX1* 0Ch -  Return version number
     CPM MSX1  0Dh -  Disk reset
     CPM MSX1  0Eh -  Select disk
     CPM MSX1  0Fh -  Open file (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  10h -  Close file (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  11h -  Search for first entry (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  12h -  Search for next entry (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  13h -  Delete file (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  14h -  Sequential read (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  15h -  Sequential write FCB)
     CPM MSX1  16h -  Create file (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  17h -  Rename file (FCB)
     CPM MSX1* 18h -  Get login vector
     CPM MSX1* 19h -  Get current drive
     CPM MSX1  1Ah -  Set disk transfer address
         MSX1  1Bh -  Get allocation information
               1Ch -  Unused
               1Dh -  Unused
               1Eh -  Unused
               1Fh -  Unused
               20h -  Unused
     CPM MSX1  21h -  Random read (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  22h -  Random write(FCB)
     CPM MSX1  23h -  Get file size (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  24h -  Set random record (FCB)
               25h -  Unused
         MSX1  26h -  Random block write (FCB)
         MSX1  27h -  Random block read (FCB)
     CPM MSX1  28h -  Random write with zero fill (FCB)
               29h -  Unused
         MSX1* 2Ah -  Get date
         MSX1* 2Bh -  Set date
         MSX1* 2Ch -  Get time
         MSX1* 2Dh -  Set time
         MSX1* 2Eh -  Set/reset verify flag 
         MSX1* 2Fh -  Absolute sector read
         MSX1* 30h -  Absolute sector write
         NEW*  31h -  Get disk parameters
               32h - \
               . .    \ Unused
               . .    /
               3Fh - /
    NEW     40h -  Find first entry
    NEW     41h -  Find next entry
    NEW     42h -  Find new entry
    NEW     43h -  Open file handle
    NEW     44h -  Create file handle
    NEW     45h -  Close file handle
    NEW     46h -  Ensure file handle
    NEW     47h -  Duplicate file handle
    NEW     48h -  Read from file handle
    NEW     49h -  Write to file handle
    NEW     4Ah -  Move file handle pointer 
    NEW     4Bh -  I/O control for devices
    NEW     4Ch -  Test file handle 
    NEW     4Dh -  Delete file or subdirectory
    NEW     4Eh -  Rename file or subdirectory
    NEW     4Fh -  Move file or subdirectory
    NEW     50h -  Get/set file attributes
    NEW     51h -  Get/set file date and time
    NEW     52h -  Delete file handle
    NEW     53h -  Rename file handle
    NEW     54h -  Move file handle
    NEW     55h -  Get/set file handle attributes
    NEW     56h -  Get/set file handle date and time
    NEW   * 57h -  Get disk transfer address
    NEW   * 58h -  Get verify flag setting
    NEW     59h -  Get current directory
    NEW     5Ah -  Change current directory 
    NEW     5Bh -  Parse pathname
    NEW     5Ch -  Parse filename
    NEW   * 5Dh -  Check character
    NEW     5Eh -  Get whole path string
    NEW     5Fh -  Flush disk buffers 
    NEW     60h -  Fork a child process
    NEW     61h -  Rejoin parent process
    NEW     62h -  Terminate with error code
    NEW     63h -  Define abort exit routine
    NEW     64h -  Define disk error handler routine
    NEW   * 65h -  Get previous error code
    NEW   * 66h -  Explain error code 
    NEW     67h -  Format a disk
    NEW     68h -  Create or destroy RAM disk
    NEW     69h -  Allocate sector buffers
    NEW   * 6Ah -  Logical drive assignment
    NEW   * 6Bh -  Get environment item
    NEW   * 6Ch -  Set environment item
    NEW   * 6Dh -  Find environment item
    NEW   * 6Eh -  Get/set disk check status
    NEW   * 6Fh -  Get MSX-DOS version number
    NEW   * 70h -  Get/set redirection status



