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MSX DOS 2.xx documentation.
DIE, 00-00-94

                         MSX DOS 2.xx documentation.

 presented by:  //--------\             //--/         //---------/
               //  /---\\  \           //__/         //  _______/  '94
              //  /    //  /           ___          //  /
             //  /    //  /          //  /         //  ------/
            //  /    //  /          //  /         //  ______/
           //  /    //  /          //  /         //  /
          //  /____//  /  //--/   //  /  //--/  //  ---------/  //--/
         //___________/  //__/   //__/  //__/   \\__________/  //__/  products.

                               - Desire In Envy -

             ~ Greetinx to all our friends and contacts on MSX ~

Here are some addresses found by D.I.E. for DOS2.xx. These addresses are
mainly notes, so there can be a little confusing (sorry).

E-mail: STW_DAM@HROVX1.HRO.NL    (ps: all documentation about MSX is welcome!)

                                 *** DOS2 ***

                 Warning! These addresses can be incompatibel.

Maarten "The Arithmetic Master" Verheijdt & Vincent "Hacker" van Dam, 94/05/16

Adres   Remarks
0005    BDOS entry

005C    Allocate a 16k segment (memmory management)
        Input: [ A] - 0 = user segment
                      1 = system segment
               [ B] - 0 = primary mapper
                    - FxxxSSPP = slot adress (primary mapper, if 0)
                       xxx=000 = allocate specified slot only
                       xxx=001 = allocate other slots than specified
                       xxx=010 = try to allocate specified slot and, if it
                         failed, try another slot (if any)
                       xxx=011 = try to allocate other slots than specified
                         and, if it failt, try specified slot
        Output: carry set = no free segment, else
                [ A] = segment number
                [ B] = slot adress of mapper slot (0 if called as [B]=0

005F    Free a 16k segment (memmory management)
        Input: [ A] - segment number to free
               [ B] - 0  = primary mapper
                      0! = other is specified mapper (slot adres)
        Output: carry set = error

01CB    Performs a malloc in the DOS2 buffer segment
        Input: [HL] - Number of bytes to reserve
        Output:[HL] - Address of allocated buffer
               [ A] - Error code (00=no error)
        Remark: DOS actualy allocates HL+2 bytes. The start address of the
                buffer - 2 contains the length of the buffer + 2.

0EC8    BDOS routine (#6F), get version number (see FUNCTION.DOC)

2D0F    Performs a de-malloc in the DOS2 buffer segment
        Input: [HL] - Address of buffer ([HL]-2/[HL]-1 must contain the length)
        Output: < unknown >

4010    SCSI sector i/o (logical)
        [HL] = DMA adress
        [DE] = sector
        [B]  = sectors
        [C]  = media descipter (F0 = hard drive)
        [A]  = drive number
        Carry= set for write, reset for read

        Out: Carry set = error
              [B] = remaining sectors
              [A] = error code
                     0 - write protected
                     2 - not ready
                     4 - CRC error
                     6 - seek error
                     8 - record not found
                    10 - write fault
                    12 - disk error
                    18 - not a dos disk
                    20 - incompatible disk
                    22 - unformatted disk
                    24 - disk change (no message because trapped internally?)
                    26 - user error 10
                   rest- disk error

        * If there is no SCSI driver: Out: [A]  = 0C
                                   Carry= set

4013    SCSI disk change
        [A]  = drive number
        [B]  = 0
        [C]  = media descripter (F0 = hard drive)
        [HL] = base adress of DPB

        Out: Carry set = error; [A] = return error code (see SCSI i/o)
             [B] = 1 (disk unchanged)
                   0 (unknown)
                  -1 (disk changed)

        * If there is no SCSI driver: Out: [A]  = 0C
                                   Carry= set

4016    SCSI get Drive parameter block
        [A]  = drive number
        [HL] = base adress of DPB
        [B]  = first byte of FAT
        [C]  = media descripter (F0 = hard drive)

        Out: [HL+1] ... [HL+18] = DPB

        * If there is no SCSI driver: Out: [A]  = 0C
                                   Carry= set

4019    SCSI
        Used for SCSI format?

        * If there is no SCSI driver: Out: [HL]= 6ED1

401C    SCSI format
        [A]  = 1..9 (as specified in CHODAT=4019?)
        [D]  = drive number (0-based)
        [HL] = begin adress of work area
        [BC] = length of work area

        Out: [A] = error code
                    0 - write protected
                    2 - not ready
                    4 - CRC error
                    6 - seek error
                    8 - record not found
                   10 - write fault
                   12 - bad parameter
                   14 - insufficient memmory
                   16 - other errors

        * If there is no SCSI driver: Out: [A] = 10, carry set

401F    nothing (RET)
4022    Jump to BASIC
4025    Format routine (with questions)
4029    Stop drive(s)

402D    Where Am I (calculates slot number of DOS2)
        in: <none>
        out: [A] - slot number

4030    Out: [HL]=[F34B]=highest available ram adress

40FF    (in DOS2 ROM) Current block. The 64Kb DOS2 ROM system is divided into
        16Kb ROM segments. These segments can be swappen only in page 1.
        The legal segment numbers are 0,1,2 and 3.
4FC8    BDOS-routine (6F = Get MSX-DOS version number)

6000    Swap address (for ROM banks).

F1E5    Jumps to interrupt handler (only when processing BDOS functions)
F1E8    See BIOS #0C (only when processing BDOS functions)
F1EB    See BIOS #14 (only when processing BDOS functions)
F1EE    See BIOS #1C (only when processing BDOS functions)
F1F1    See BIOS #24 (only when processing BDOS functions)
F1F4    See BIOS #30 (only when processing BDOS functions)
F1F7    Switch to 'DOS-mode' (=page 0 & 2 system segments)
F1FA    Switch to 'user-mode'
F1FD    Select DOS system segment on page 0

        Mapper Support Routines
F200    Allocate a 16k segment
F203    Free a 16k segment
F206    Read byte from address A:HL to A



