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The use of hooks
Onbekend, 00-00-00

 Hooks provide a way to intercept the BASIC interpreter or operating system at
certain points,enabling additional,or alternative,processing to be carried out.To
expand on the last sentence it i s easiest to use an to be carried out.To expand
on the last sentence it iseasiest to use an example.Consider for example the BIOS
call CHPUT(see section 2.3).This routine is used to print text on the screen.Here
is a disassembly of the first few instructions of CHPUT :
        PUSH    DE
        PUSH    BC
        PUSH    AF
 First of all registers HL,BC,DE and AF are pushed on to the stack.Then memory
address FDA4 is called.Normally,the contents of FDA4 and the following 4
bytes,is a Z80 RET instruction,immediately passing control to the instruction
following the CALL.However,FDA4 is in RAM,so its contents can be altered.Let
the 3 bytes,starting at FDA4 be changed,so that control is passed to another
subroutine at D000,i.e.
FDA4    C3 00 D0        JP      D000
Also let the code at D000 be as shown below :
                        STACK(i.e.RETURN TO HOOK ADDRESS)
        POP     BC
        POP     DE
        POP     HL
        RET             EXIT BIOS CALL CHPUT.
 Now the item on the top of the stack is 3 more than the address from which
FDA4 was called,i.e.the return address to CHPUT.Therefore,if this is removed
from the stack,this will restore the stack to the state it was in immediately
before calling FDA4.Also,if the next four items are popped as shown above,the
stack will be as it was on entering CHPUT,so the RET instruction will exit the
subroutine CHPUT.Consequently the character which was to be printed will not be !
This example demonstrates how the operating system can be intercepted.The five
bytes,starting at address FDA4,are know as a hook.Similar "hook" exist at many
other points in the operating system and BASIC interpreter,and a list of them,in
alphabetical order,is contained in the following pages.

+       No RET on hook
+/c     No RET on hook if network is present
+/sc    Hook doesn't change for sc 8
+/c     FD9A+   HKEYI   0C4A  Interrupt handler
        FD9F+   HTIMI   0C53  Interrupt handler
        FDA4+/scHCHPU   08C0  - CHPUT(A-character;SAVE ALL)
        FDA9+/scHDSPC   09E6  Display cursor    (no param.)
        FDAE+/scHERAC   0A33  Errase cursor     (no param.)
        FDB3+/scHDSPF   0B2B  DSPFNK std routine(no param.)
        FDB8+/scHERAF   0B15  ERAFNK std routine(no param.)
        FDBD    HTOTE   0842  TOTEXT std routine
        FDC2+   HCHGE   10CE  CHGET  std routine
        FDC7+   HINIP   071E  Copy character set to VDP
        FDCC    HKEYC   1025  Keyboard decoder
        FDD1    HKYEA   0F10  Keyboard decoder
        FDD6    HNMI    1398  NMI std routine
        FDDB    HPINL   23BF  PINLIN std routine
        FDE0    HQINL   23CC  QINLIN std routine
        FDE5    HINLI   23D5  INLIN std routine
        FDEA    HONGO   7810  "ON DEVICE GOSUB"
        FDEF+   HDSKO   7C16  "DSKO$"
        FDF4    HSETS   7C1B  "SET"
        FDF9+   HNAME   7C20  "NAME"
        FDFE+   HKILL   7C25  "KILL"
        FE03    HIPL    7C2A  "IPL"
        FE08+   HCOPY   7C2F  "COPY"
        FE0D    HCMD    7C34  "CMD"
        FE12+   HDSKF   7C39  "DSKF"
        FE17+   HDSKI   7C3E  "DSKI$"
        FE1C    HATTR   7C43  "ATTR$"
        FE21+   HLSET   7C48  "LSET"
        FE26+   HRSET   7C4D  "RSET"
        FE2B+   HFIEL   7C52  "FIELD"
        FE30+   HMKI$   7C57  "MKI$"
        FE35+   HMKS$   7C5C  "MKS$"
        FE3A+   HMKD$   7C61  "MKD$"
        FE3F+   HCVI    7C66  "CVI"
        FE44+   HCVS    7C6B  "CVS"
        FE49+   HCVD    7C70  "CVD"
        FE4E+   HGETP   6A93  Locate FCB
        FE53    HSETF   6AB3  Locate FCB
        FE58+   HNOFO   6AF6  "OPEN": not found
        FE5D+   HNULO   6B0F  "OPEN"
        FE62+   HNTFL   6B3B  Close I/O buffer 0
        FE67    HMERG   6B63  "MERGE/LOAD"
        FE6C    HSAVE   6BA6  "SAVE"
        FE71+   HBINS   6BCE  "SAVE"
        FE76+   HBINL   6BD4  "MERGE/LOAD"
        FE7B+   HFILE   6C2F  "FILES"
        FE80+   HDGET   6C3B  "GET/PUT"
        FE85+   HFILO   6C51  Sequential output
        FE8A+   HINDS   6C79  Sequential input
        FE8F    HRSLF   6CD8  "INPUT$"
        FE94    HSAVD   6D03"LOC",6D14"LOF",6D25"EOF",6D39"FPOS"
        FE99+   HLOC    6D0F  "LOC"
        FE9E+   HLOF    6D20  "LOF"
        FEA3+   HEOF    6D33  "EOF"
        FEA8    HFPOS   6D43  "FPOS"
        FEAD+   HBAKU   6E36  "LINE INPUT#"
        FEB2+   HPARD   6F15  Parse device name
        FEB7+   HNODE   6F33  Parse device name
        FEBC+   HPOSD   6F37  Parse device name
        FEC1    HDEVN   This hook not used
        FEC6    HGEND   6F8F  I/O function despatcher
        FECB    HRUNC   629A  Run-clear
        FED0    HCLEA   62A1  Run-clear
        FED5    HLOPD   62AF  Run-clear
        FEDA    HSTKE   62F0  Reset stack
        FEDF    HISFL   145F  ISFLIO std routine
        FEE4    HOUTD   1B46  OUTDO std routine
        FEE9    HCRDO   7328  CR,LF to OUTDO
        FEEE    HDSKC   7374  Mainloop line input
        FEF3    HDOGR   593C  Line draw
        FEF8    HPRGE   4039  Program end
        FEFD+   HERRP   40DC  Error handler
        FF02    HERRF   40FD  Error handler
        FF07    HREAD   4128  Mainloop "OK"
        FF0C    HMAIN   4134  Mainloop
        FF11    HDIRD   41A8  Mainloop direct statement
        FF16    HFINI   4237  Mainloop finished
        FF1B    HFINE   4247  Mainloop finished
        FF20    HCRUN   42B9  Tokenise
        FF25    HCRUS   4353  Tokenise
        FF2A    HISRE   437C  Tokenise
        FF2F    HNTFN   43A4  Tokenise
        FF34    HNOTR   44EB  Tokenise
        FF39    HSNGF   45D1  "FOR"
+/c     FF3E+   HNEWS   4601  Runloop new statement
        FF43    HGONE   4646  Runloop execute
        FF48    HCNRG   4666  CHRGTR std routine
        FF4D    HRETU   4821  "RETURN"
        FF52    HPRTF   4A5E  "PRINT"
        FF57    HCOMP   4A94  "PRINT"
        FF5C    HFINP   4AFF  "PRINT"
        FF61    HTRMN   4B4D  "READ/INPUT" error
        FF66    HFRME   4C6D  Expression Evaluator
        FF6B    HNTPL   4CA6  Expression Evaluator
        FF70    HEVAL   4DD9  Factor Evaluator
        FF75    HOKNO   4F2C  Factor Evaluator
        FF7A    HFING   4F3E  Factor Evaluator
        FF7F    HISMI   51C3  Runloop execute
        FF84    HWIDT   51CC  "WIDTH"
        FF89    HLIST   522E  "LIST"
        FF8E    HBUFL   532D  Detokenise
        FF93    HFRQI   543F  Convert to integer
        FF98    HSCNE   5514  Line number to pointer
        FF9D    HFRET   67EE  Free descriptor
        FFA2    HPTRG   5EA9  Variable search
        FFA7+   HPHYD   148A  PHYDIO std routine
        FFAC+   HFORM   148E  FORMAT std routine
        FFB1    HERRO   406F  Error handler( _|_° )
        FFB6    HLPTO   085D  LPTOUT std routine
        FFBB    HLPTS   0884  LPTSTT std routine
        FFC0    HSCRE   79CC  "SCREEN"
        FFC5    HPLAY   73E5  "PLAY" statement
        FFCA    H????:
        FFCF    HBGFD   before physical operation with disk controller
        FFD4    HENFD   after physical operation with disk controller



